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The Native Struggle for Justice in the Spanish Empire: Accounts by Indigenous Writers

This guide includes primary and secondary resources for the class "The Native Struggle for Justice in the Spanish Empire" (LAH4930).

Northern and Western Mexico

Diego Basalenque (1577-1651)


South America

Central Mexico

Central Mexico

Anales de Tlatelolco (ca. 1528-31 and 17th century?)

Historia de los mexicanos por sus pinturas. Códice Zumárraga. Códice Fuenleal (ca. 1535)

Juan de Tovar (ca. 1546-ca. 1626)

Juan Bautista (1555-1615)

Códice Cozcatzin (1572)

Codex Aubin (1576)

Juan Bautista Pomar (fl. 1582)

Hernando Alvarado Tezozomoc (fl. 1598)

Cantares Mexicanos (ca. 16th century)

Anónimo Mexicano (late 16th century)

Códice de Huichapan (16th and 17th centuries)

Códice Chimalpopoca (17th century)


Fray Diego Durán (1588)

Codex Mendoza (ca. 1541-1542)

Diego Muñoz Camargo (ca. 1529-1599)

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