Coles, David James, 1957-
Far from fields of glory: military operations in Florida during the Civil War, 1864-1865
Electronic access:
Johns, John Edwin.
Florida during the Civil War
Gainesville, University of Florida Press, 1963.
Although this work is now somewhat dated, it has an excellent overview of the political situation in Florida on the eve of the war and also covers the decisions of U.S. Senators Stephen Mallory and David Levy Yulee as they decide to side with the secessionists.
Nulty, William H.
Confederate Florida: the road to Olustee
Tuscaloosa , Ala., University of Alabama Press, 1990.
Electronic access:
More recent that Johns's work, Nulty's is just as good on the political history of secession and is a well-illustrated account of the progress of the Civil War in Florida leading to the major battle of the region.
Rivers, Larry E., 1950-
Slavery in Florida: territorial days to emancipation
Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2000.
Electronic access:
Rivers's award-winning book is the accepted authority on everything pertaining to slavery and slave life in Florida before and during the Civil War.
Schwartz, Gerald (editor)
A Woman Doctor's Civil War: Esther Hill Hawks' Diary (Women's Diaries and Letters of the Nineteenth-Century South)
University of South Carolina Press, 1989.
First-rate, first-hand account of a women who ministered to wounded black soldiers and slaves in the Civil War. Now very hard to find.
Taylor, Robert A., 1958-
Rebel Storehouse: Florida in the Confederate Economy
Tuscaloosa, Ala., University of Alabama Press, 1995.
An important analysis of Florida's major role in the Civil War-that of providing foodstuffs and other necessities to the other Confederate states.
Babcock, Willoughby, 1832-1864.
Selections from the letters and diaries of Brevet-Brigadier General Willoughby Babcock of the Seventy-fifth New York Volunteers: a study of camp life in the Union armies during the Civil War, by Willoughby M. Babcock, Jr.
Albany, N.Y., The University of the State of New York, 1922.
Florida History E601 .B13 1922
Baker, Henry H.
A reminiscent story of the great civil war: a personal experience. Vol 1
A reminiscent story of the great civil war: a personal experience. Vol 2
New Orleans: Ruskin Press, 1911.
Bludworth, Timothy W., 1821-1864.
Summary: Letters of Timothy W. Bludworth written to his wife Hester Ann Brigman Bludworth of Walton County, Florida, from battle sites in Chattanooga, Tennessee and Petersburg, Virginia. Floridians in the Civil War. Part of William Henry Watson Family.
Civil War diaries: Robert Watson and Samuel Lowry.
St. Augustine, Fla.: State Arsenal, St. Francis Barracks, 1992?
Florida History F354 A2 F6362s no.132
Reference, Main Library E605 .C581 1992
Dorman, G. H.
Fifty years ago, microform. Reminiscences of '61-65.
Tallahassee, Fla. , T.J. Appleyard, 1912?
Microfilm, Main Library E492 .C581 1990 FL:16
Du Pont, Samuel Francis, 1803-1865.
Samuel Francis Du Pont; a selection from his Civil War letters, edited by John D. Hayes.
Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell University Press, 1969.
Florida History F973.75 D938s
Elderkin, James D., 1820-
Biographical sketches and anecdotes of a soldier of three wars, as written by himself. The Florida, the Mexican war and the great rebellion.
Detroit, Mich., Record Printing Company, 1899.
Florida History F.052 E37b
Ellis, T. B. (T. Benton), 1842-
Short record of T.B. Ellis, Sr.
S.l.: s.n., 1913 Description: 10 leaves; 28 cm.
Florida History F.2 A31 E47s
Farley, Charlotte Corley.
Florida's alamo: the battle of Marianna as 'twas said to me
S.l.: s.n., 1981?
Florida History F.2 J13 F231f
French, Samuel Gibbs, 1818-1910.
Two wars: an autobiography of General Samuel G. French
Mexican War, War between the states, a diary: reconstruction period, his experience: incidents, reminiscences, etc.
Nashville, Tenn., Confederate Veteran, 1901.
Hentz, Dr.
Diary of Doctor Hentz, Marianna and Quincy, Fla., May 3-31, 1863.
Historical records survey, State archives survey, 1937.
Description: 7 numb., 28cm.
Florida History F.077 H528d
Holmes, Henry McCall, 1834-1899.
Diary of Henry McCall Holmes: Army of Tennessee, Assistant Surgeon, Florida troops, with related letters, documents, etc.
State College, Miss., s.n., 1968.
Main library E605.H6 A351 1968
Ives, Washington, 1843-1925.
Civil War journal and letters of Serg. Washington Ives, 4th Florida C.S.A.; transcribed by Jim R. Cabaniss; illustrations by the author.
Tallahassee?: Fla., J.R. Cabaniss, 1987.
Florida History F.07 C113
Kelsey, Albert Warren, 1840-
Autobiographical notes and memoranda, by Albert Warren Kelsey, 1840-1910.
(For private circulation only).
Baltimore, Munder-Thomsen Press, 1911.
Florida History F.077 K29
Kinsman, Oliver Dorrance, 1835-
A loyal man in Florida, 1858-1861.
Read at the stated meeting of May 4, 1910. Washington, 1910
Florida History F.062 K56l
Lee, Edmund C.
Civil war letters, by Edmund C. Lee, Chaplin in Confederate army, 1858-1864.
Historical records survey, State archives survey, 1937.
Description: 6 pp., 28cm.
Florida History F.077 L477c
Report of Board of Survey on steamer Maple Leaf sunk by a rebel torpedo on April 1, 1864.
Transcribed from a copy of a handwritten document by St. Johns Archaeological Expeditions, Inc. Vessel files, National Archives record group no. 92, records of the Office of the Quartermaster General.
Accompanied by St. Johns Archaeological Expeditions, Inc. report (10 leaves)
Florida History F.07 M297
Moore, Samuel Lewis.
Autobiography of ... a Confederate soldier, written in 1924 and covering from 1820 to that date.
Miami, Fla., Historical Records and State Archives Surveys, 1937.
Florida History FB M824ml
Papers from family of Judge Swann
Fernandina, Fla.? : Federal Writers' Project 193-?
Description: 1 v. (various pagings) 28 cm.
Florida History FB R357w
Percival, James C.
Diary of James C. Percival, 1863-1865: 83rd. Pennsylvania Regt., 6th Army Corps., Co. G.
Jacksonville, Fla., Historical Records Survey, 1937.
Paged Collection, Main Library 973.782 P429d
Richardson, Wade H.
How I reached the Union lines, microform.
Milwaukee, Meyer-Rotier Print. Co., 1905.
Description: 48 pp., 23 cm.
Main Library E492 .C581 1990 FL:3 Microfiche
Sawtelle, Daniel W. (Daniel Withum), 1838-1931.
All's for the best: the Civil War reminiscences and letters of Daniel W. Sawtelle, Eighth Maine Volunteer Infantry
Edited with an introduction by Peter H. Buckingham.
Knoxville, University of Tennessee Press, 2001.
Florida History E511.5 8th .S28 2001
Silliman, Justus Mitchell, 1842-1896.
A New Canaan private in the Civil War: letters of Justus M. Silliman, 17th Connecticut Volunteers
New Canaan, Conn., New Canaan Historical Society, c1984.
Florida History F.07 S584n
Vann, Enoch. Mrs.
Fragments of the Confederacy, by Mrs. Enoch Vann, historian of the Elizabeth Harris Chapter, U. D. C.
Madison, Fla., Historical records survey, State archives survey, 1937.
Florida History F.07 V264f
Watson, Robert, 1835-1911.
Southern service on land & sea: the wartime journal of Robert Watson, CSA/CSN
Edited by R. Thomas Campbell.
Knoxville, University of Tennessee Press, 2002.
Main library E558.5 7th.W37 2002
Florida's Civil War: Explorations into Conflict, Interpretations and Memory by Irvin D. S. Winsboro. ISBN: 978-1-886104-30-3
This is the first of what will eventually be a multi-volume series of specialized books that deal with narrowly focused issues in Florida history.
Florida National Guard
Special Archives Series [Military history and records of Florida]
See Library Catalog for holdings
Florida History Call No. F354 A2 F6362s
This series, assembled by the Florida National Guard, coverers the regimental histories and the service records of units and soldiers serving from Florida in the Civil War. It's a basic resource for finding out about military personnel.
Hartman, David L.
Biographical Rosters of Florida's Confederate and Union Soldiers, 1871-1865.
Broadfoot Publishing Co., Wilmington, N.C., 6 volumes, 1995.
Florida history Call No. 7.074 H333 Reference
Florida (Confederate) Units
Carlson, Charlie, 1943-
The First Florida Cavalry Regiment C.S.A.
New Smyrna Beach, Fla., Luthers, 1999.
Florida History E558.6 1st .C37 1999
Hillhouse, Don.
Heavy artillery & light infantr : a history of the 1st Florida Special Battalion & 10th Infantry Regiment, C.S.A.
Rome, Ga. (P.O. Box 2651, Rome 30164): D. Hillhouse, 1992.
Florida History F.074 H653h
Loderhose, Gary L.
Far, far from home: the Ninth Florida Regiment in the Confederate Army.
Carmel, Ind., Guild Press, 1999.
Florida History E559.5 9th L34
Reddick, H. W. (Henry W.)
Seventy-seven years in Dixie microform: the boys in gray of 61-65.
Santa Rosa, Fla., H.W. Reddick, 1910.
Main Library E492 .C581 1990 FL:12 Microfiche
Florida (Union) Units
Curenton, Mark.
Tories and deserters: the first Florida Federal Cavalry.
Laurel Hill, Fla., M. Curenton, 1988.
Florida History F.07 C975t
Non-Florida (Union) Units serving in Florida
A history of the seventh Connecticut volunteer infantry in the Civil War. Compiled by a member who was second in rank.
N.P., 1910.
Florida History F.074 C752
Cadwell, Charles K.
The old Sixth regiment, its war record, 1861-5.
New Haven, Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, printers, 1875.
Florida History F.074 C126o
Crowninshield, Benjamin William, d. 1892.
A history of the First regiment of Massachusetts cavalry volunteers, with roster and statistics by D. H. L. Gleason.
Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and co., 1891.
Florida History F.074 C953h
Egan, Patrick, 1846-
The Florida campaign with Light Battery C, Third Rhode Island Heavy Artillery.
Providence, R.I.
Rhode Island Soldiers and Sailors Historical Society, 1905.
Florida History F.074 E28f
Emilio, Luis Fenollosa, b. 1844.
History of the Fifty-fourth regiment of Masachusetts volunteer infantry, 1863-1865. By Luis F. Emilio.
Boston, The Boston Book Co., 1891.
Florida History F.074 E53h
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 1823-1911.
Army life in a black regiment.
Boston, Fields, Osgood & Co., 1870.
Florida History F.074 H637a
Little, Henry F. W., 1842-
The Seventh regiment New Hampshire volunteers in the war of the rebellion.
Concord, N. H., I. C. Evans, Printer, 1896.
Florida History F.074 L778s
Morris, Gouverneur.
The history of a volunteer regiment. Being a succinct account of the organization, services and adventures of the Sixth regiment New York volunteers infantry known as Wilson Zouaves. Prepared from official data, by Gouverneur Morris, late U.S.V., illustrated by James E. Taylor.
New York, Veteran Volunteer Publishing Company, 1891.
Florida History F.074 M876h
Palmer, Abraham John, 1847-1922.
The history of the Forty-eighth regiment New York State volunteers in the War for the Union. 1861-1865.
Brooklyn, Pub. by the Veteran Association of the Regiment, 1885.
Florida History F.074 P173h
Price, Isaiah, 1822-
History of the Ninety-seventh regiment, Pennsylvania volunteer infantry, during the war of the rebellion, 1861-65, with biographical sketches.
Philadelphia, By the author for the subscribers, 1875.
Florida History F.074 P945
Roe, Alfred S. (Alfred Seelye), 1844-1917.
The Twenty-fourth regiment, Massachusuetts volunteers, 1861-1866, New England guard regiment, by Alfred S. Roe and the Regimental committee on history: Charles B. Amory, John C. Cook, George Hill.
Worcester,Mass., Twenty-fourth Veteran Association, 1907.
Florida History F.074 R698
Schmidt, Lewis G.
A Civil War history of the 47th Regiment of Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers: the wrong place at the wrong time.
Allentown, Pa. , L.G. Schmidt, 1986.
Florida History F.074 S353c
Trudeau. Noah Andre, 1949-
Like men of war: Black troops in the Civil War, 1862-1865.
Boston: Little Brown, 1998.
Main Library E540.N3 T78
Walkley, Stephen W., jr.
History of the Seventh Connecticut volunteer infantry, Hawley's brigade, Terry's division, Tenth army corps, 1861-1865.
Hartford, Conn., 1905
Florida History F.074 W186h
Brooks, Bert E.
"Old Oaks": Civil War in North Florida-Columbia, Bradford, Union and Baker Counties.
Gainesville, Fla., New Century Publishing, 2000
Florida History F310.B76
Gerrell, Allen R.
The Civil War in and around St. Marks, Florida.
Published: S.l.: s.n., 1993
Description: 155 pp., ill., 29 cm.
Florida History F.073 G378c 1993
Holmes, Jack David Lazarus, 1930-
Pensacola's Civil War art: Benjamin Labree and Thomas Nast.
S.l.: s.n., 1985
Florida History F.2 P41 H751p
Martin, Richard A. (Richard Albert), 1927-2003, with Daniel L. Schafer
Jacksonville's ordeal by fire: a Civil War history.
Jacksonville, Fla., Florida Publishing Co., 1984.
Florida History F.07 M382j
Schmidt, Lewis G.
The Civil War in Florida: a military history.
Edition: 1st ed., 4 parts in 6 volumes, arranged by region.
Published: Allentown, Pa., .G. Schmidt, 1989.
Description: xxii, 388 p.p, ill., 24 cm.
Florida History F.073 S353c
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