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FLORIDA HISTORY RESOURCES: Internship and Featured Projects

HIS 4944: Internship in the Practice of History

Chelsea Jimenez, Sarah Calise, and Jeff Abalos, during HIS 4944 internship, with Sandra Parks, widow of writer/activist Stetson Kennedy, as they start to process and arrange Kennedy's papers (2012-2013).

Would you like to intern in the Florida history collections?

The Department of Special and Area Studies Collections, including the P.K. Yonge Library of Florida History, now offers occasional paid internships set up by individual request.  Funds are not always available so if you are interested in being an intern it is best to make inquiries early on in your college career.  Academic credit for internships can also be arranged if approved by students' major department.  

For information, contact James Cusick, P.K. Yonge Library of Florida History, or 352-273-2778 

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