To narrow the list of offered items, you can apply a number of search filters to the list. The available filters are:
When one of these filters is selected, additional fields will appear as needed requesting the appropriate details. Items Matching My Needs filtering does not require any additional information. Selecting this filter will limit your results to only those items which match the needs list that you have created. See the section on "Creating a Needs List" for more information. SuDoc Number filtering requires that you enter a SuDoc stem or number. Partial numbers may be entered and are matched from left to right. Publication Year filtering requires that you enter a starting year (From), and ending year (To) or both. Years must be four numbers long and results will be inclusive of the years entered. Submission Date filtering requires that you enter a start date (From). Use this filter to see the most recently submitted items. A drop-down date tool is available for faster and more-accurate date selection. Offering Institution filtering requires either a state or an institution be selected. First, select the state from the state drop-down and then optionally select the institution within that state. Keywords in Title filtering does a simple match of a word or phrase in the Title field of the item. Only items with exact matches will be returned. Non-adjacent words will not be matched. Item Format Type filtering requires that one of the one of the recognized Format Types be selected from the drop-down. Only items matching that type will be returned.
Multiple filters may be applied to the same search by choosing "add a filter". For example, you may choose to filter for all items submitted after 10/01/2010 which have the word "Panama" in the title. Filters are combined in an "AND" fashion so all criteria must match in order for a record to be returned.
To remove a filter, click the red X to the right of the filter.
Search Offered Items showing filtering by Publication Year
Search Offered Items showing filtering by two criteria
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