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Library Technology Services: LibApps, Admins

Resources from Library Technology Services, for library employees

LibGuides, Local Support

Note, we often use LibGuides to refer to all of the SpringShare tools, when we really mean these for users and user administration:

  1. LibApps
  2. LibAnswers
  3. LibGuides
  4. LibCal
  5. LibInsight
  6. LibWizard

Unit-Level LibApps Admins

Most LibApp work is done by the local LibApp Admin, and there is a LibApp Admin group (in Teams, with quarterly meetings) for coordinating across all needs. Please contact LTS to be added to the Teams site for LibApps Admins.

The local LibApp Admins handle account creation and deletion (with LTS available for backup support), and training.

Security and risk assessment: As with all technologies, LTS facilitates and supports any risk management assessment for software and tool integration. Please place a ticket when a new need arises.

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