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Library Technology Services: LTS User Guide

Resources from Library Technology Services, for library employees

Welcome to the Library Technology Services (LTS) Department! We're here to make your experience with technology seamless. As your go-to hub for technical assistance, we provide an array of services and support, including evaluating external service providers, application development, hardware support, risk management, and collaboration on program and project needs. Let's work together to achieve your goals and make technology work for you!

Contact Us 🀝

7:30 am-4:30 pm M-F

Main Phone Number


LTS's in-house ticketing system


Helpful How-To's

Department printers are managed by Xerox.

  • If your Xerox printer is having issues, please report it to your department Xerox contact who will submit the request to our authorized vendor, Zeno Office Solutions.
  • To check your default printer in Start button > Settings > Devices > Printers & Scanners.
  • If you need to add an additional printer, go to the Xerox print server
    • Type "\\tss-srv-print-2" into File Explorer (for Borland \\ahc-ps413).

    • A list of printers will appear in alphabetical order.

    • Find your printer and double-click it.  This will download the driver and install it.

  • For privacy and security, some Xerox printers allow Secure Print; easily configured on your PC.
  • Using your Cisco VOIP phone (log in using your Gatorlink credentials)
  • How to configure Voicemail
  • The Library uses the voicemail to email service.  This service synchronizes your email with your phone. You will see a notification of a message on both your office phone and receive a sound file in your email. If this feature is not active on your account, please submit a Grover ticket, and we will correct the issue.
  • Cisco Jabber is UF’s softphone solution that provides telephone services via a software client on your remote computer or mobile device.  It allows you to make and receive calls from your assigned UF business telephone number and provide access to your voicemail on your computer.  If you do not already have access and are interested in this solution, please submit a request via a Grover ticket. Cisco jabber can be downloaded from the Software portal and set up in minutes.

Remote Access to Your Computer 🏠

-Start button
-Type “Remote Desktop” into the Search box
-Select Remote Desktop Connection

-Type your computer name like this:, but use your PC service tag

-Install and connect to UF VPN

-Open your personal device’s Remote Desktop Connection application

-Type your computer name like this:, but use your PC service tag (serial number) in place of the XXXX

-You may need to authenticate as: UFAD\yourGatorlinkusername

Additional Information

  • Please log off your computer every day. Do not power off.  Computer patches are released periodically during non-working hours, and your computer must be powered on to receive them.  Please be aware that some patches will reboot your computer, and by just locking your computer and not logging off at the end of the work day, you risk losing data during an unexpected overnight reboot.
  • Monitors will go to sleep after 10 minutes of inactivity.
  • Always lock your computer screen when not in use. To quickly lock it, press Windows key + L (PC) or Control + Command + Q (Mac). 
  • Computers need to be installed on the top of your desk or in a cradle mounted under your desk. Computers should never be placed on the floor. This will shorten the life of the computer as it will ingest more dust into the fans.
  • If you require ergonomic items for your computer, please schedule an ergonomic evaluation through the Facilities & Security Department.
  • LTS can not troubleshoot employees' personal devices.  LTS staff can only assist with Library issues devices.  Please refer all personal hardware questions to UFIT Helpdesk online or by phone at 352-392-HELP
  • It is highly recommended that you keep separate business and personal email accounts. It promotes a better work-life balance, organization, and privacy concerns.
  • UF Information Security Policies
  • Two-Factor Authentication

Pre-Approved Software available to download! A shortcut should be located on your desktop and in the start menu under Microsoft Endpoint Manger

7-Zip Acrobat Reader Alma Offline
Apple iTunes Audacity Bulk Rename Utility
Citrix Workspace Classic Sticky Notes
EndNote Plug-in FileZilla GIMP
Greenshot HandBrake IrfanView 
LIB Cisco Secure VPN Lib-Authority Toolkit Jabber
OCLC Connexion MacroExpress Mendeley Reference Manager
Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome DropBox
NotePad++ Python R For Windows
RStudio ScanTailor SpineOMatic
SobekCM METS Tableau Reader VLC Media Player
Zoom Zoom Outlook Plugin Zotero

Additional Software or Hardware Requests

  • Submit a Grover “Request Purchasing (Technology)" request for any other items you need. Before moving through the Library Technology Services process, these requests will go to your supervisor for approval.

Mobile ID:         Mobile GatorOne




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