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Library Technology Services: UFLib Domains

Resources from Library Technology Services, for library employees

Empowering Library Workers

UFLib Domains offers a quick-start pathway for anyone working in the Libraries to publish digital scholarship, teach with technology, and experiment with new tools. While UFLib Domains is customized for our needs, the Domain of One’s Own platform from Reclaim Hosting is widely used across other universities. Possible projects include:

  • Creating a thematic exhibit that draws on multiple digital special collections
  • Hosting a conference or special event website
  • Building and sharing an online database

Sign up or review community tutorials.

Eligibility & Terms of Use

Who can use it?

Anyone employed by the Libraries—staff, faculty, student workers, etc.—may use UFLib Domains. Requests are reviewed to make sure the intended purpose is in scope and to give you a chance to request any needed support. Once you are no longer affiliated with the Libraries, LTS will work with you to transfer your data and close your account.

You may also invite collaborators and students to contribute to your project or website, though you are responsible for monitoring any content they upload. In most cases you will add users through the website platform you have chosen (e.g. WordPress), not through your cPanel.

What are the rules?


Please avoid creating sites devoted to your individual professional identity (e.g. a site primarily to post your CV) or to personal activities beyond the scope of your research, teaching, or other work at UF. If you plan to create an online textbook, we encourage you to review the PressBooks platform hosted by UF instead of using UFLib Domains. The platform should not be used for department websites or other content appropriate for the main Libraries website (

Security & privacy

By using UFLib Domains, you acknowledge that you are affiliated with the University of Florida and that you are responsible for adhering to UFIT, state, and federal policies regarding data security, intellectual property, accessibility, and privacy. You agree that you will not upload any sensitive or restricted data to any site hosted through UFLib Domains. You further acknowledge that only domains ending in “” may apply UF branding and logos.

UF Information Technology Policies

UF Online/Internet Privacy Statement

Supported Platforms

As a web hosting platform, UFLib Domains offers almost limitless options for creating and sharing digital scholarship and educational materials. The platform emphasizes self-service and exploration, meaning that LTS is typically not able to create or design websites, databases, etc. unless agreed to as part of a dedicated project.

However, some support is available for the following:

  • Routine administration and troubleshooting, e.g. creating accounts, failed updates, limited storage space, adding multiple users to cPanel
  • Tutorials and resources for you and your students on commonly used web publishing platforms, including WordPress, Omeka, and Scalar.

Get Started

Sign up for UFLib Domains

Note: all projects must be from or in collaboration with the Libraries. Graduate students in the DH Certificate program are supported as part of the Libraries commitment to the DH Certificate.

  1. Review the UFLibs Domains security and service expectations
  2. Go to
  3. Click the "Get Started" button.
  4. Sign in and complete the request form, which LTS will approve (this may take 1-2 days).
  5. You will receive a notification when your account is approved. Navigate back to and click "Get Started" again.
  6. Choose your domain name. This could be your name, the name of a specific program or initiative, etc. Try to choose something general enough that your domain can continue to grow and evolve, potentially with multiple websites and projects.
  7. Once confirmed, your domain will be created.

Navigating your dashboard

When your domain is created, you will be automatically redirected to your dashboard, or "cPanel." There are many icons and options explained in depth here, but in most cases you will only need a few of these:


Most users will need to install an application, usually a "content management system" like WordPress, Omeka, or Scalar. This is a platform that will allow you to more easily publish content and collaborate with other users. UFLib Domains allows for very simple, point-and-click installation. You can choose "All Applications" to review your options; "My Apps" will show you a list of what you have already installed. Note that you may install multiple applications; for instance, some sites may have a WordPress blog that links to an Omeka collection.

Screenshot from cPanel showing app icons


  • Click the Domains icon to force your site to use HTTPS for additional security.
  • Click the Subdomains icon if you want to create a new part of your site with its own name, such as a blog with the URL 


  • File Manager is useful for more advanced users who need to edit code within their site or want to manage files directly rather than through a content management system. If you are using Omeka S or Omeka Classic, you will need to access File Manager to install modules and themes.


  • You will use Lets Encrypt SSL to set up the security certificate for your site (see Security & Analytics box below).

Security & Analytics

For every website

Every UFLib Domains URL should start with "https," a more secure way to send data online. This is a one-time, quick change you can make when setting up your site:

  1. Log in with your normal credentials through
  2. Follow the steps to apply enforcing HTTPS.

For WordPress sites


Jetpack offers additional security and basic analytics features, with a free version that should be sufficient for most needs. You will need to create a free account if you don't already have one, but otherwise it is simple to install using the WPAdmin instructions.


This anti-spam plugin is automatically installed with WordPress, so you shouldn't need to do anything to make it work. But you might want to double-check that it's there since it will drastically reduce spam, especially for blog sites that allow public comments.

Sample Projects

Sample projects include:

Site Type / Notes
ARL PD Bank Program site with documentation and advisory group information for the digital repository
Caribbean Literary Heritage Digital Scholarship site
Co-designing Equitable Futures Digital Scholarship site for collaborative program
Coffey Residency, Book Arts Program Program site
Cuba, Pearl of the Caribbean Digital scholarship site
dLOC and Copyright Digital scholarship site
dLOC as Data Grant project site
Islam Burkina Faso Digital scholarship site

LACC Book Displays
Earth Day
Hispanic Heritage Month

Sites for book displays
Storied Books SASC Blog
SASC Blog Blog
Fall Fest, 2020 (to be archived or replaced soon) Event site
Valentine Remix: Public Domain Digital scholarship and event site
Exhibits Exhibits site, for many exhibits including 40 for 40
Migration, Mobility, Sustainability: Caribbean Studies + Digital Humanities OER and digital scholarship site
LibraryPress@UF Program site
Panama Canal Museum Collections Blog Blog
US Caribbean and Florida Ethnic Newspaper Project Blog Blog
Gamboa Reunion Program site, related to PCMC and dLOC
Recetas, Recipes from the Newspapers Static HTML site of recipes from the NDNP newspapers

Security Roles and Responsibilities

With UFLib Domains moving from project to program in 2021-2022, this page will support initial creation of documentation for security with roles, responsibilities, and expectations. 

This page will include:

  • All projects must have a library collaborator, who is a contact for LTS for security and other necessary controls/supports
  • Limits on applications (cannot be used for email, etc.)
  • Expectations on updates
    • The user is expected to maintain their sites with timely updates for all needs
    • UFLIB reserves right and will force updates as needed for security, and users acknowledge and accept that those updates may break functionality for core applications, plugins, etc.
    • Sites will have an annual review, with any as appropriate being moved to a web archive

As this page progresses, the main UFLib Domains site will be updated, including the FAQ:

Documentation in Process

UFLib Domains starts with 1GB of space. Some regular users may run out of space quickly, especially with WordPress, which seems to create many derivative images and backups that take up space. When space increases are requested, the Web Team will review the request, including reviewing if extraneous backups can be deleted, to free up space, or if the best approach is to increase space (and by how much). Normally, the maximum increase by any increment is 1GB.

Preservation documentation:

Work pending as of 8/26:

  • Removing not needed functions like emailing
  • Defining starter pack (core tools for all) and power pack (for advanced users)
  • Recommend to keep not more than 2 backups, and create documentation for how to do this
  • Will will send out instructions on how to update PHP
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