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Library Technology Services: Policies & Scheduled Emails

Resources from Library Technology Services, for library employees


Policies from LTS represent statement of work, service levels, and supporting values and organizational operations and equity as part of collaborative, compassionate computing for academic library work:

Scheduled Communications by LTS to the Libraries

Scheduled Communications by LTS to the Libraries
Month Communication
  • Send reminders on updating:
    • Subject/Area Specialists List
    • Committtee sites
    • All staff policies
    • Reminder that people can request headset/webcam if they do not already have these
    • Teams, setting notifications
    • Teams, review and update members on Teams (ensure at least 2 owners)
  • Web Team
    • Reviews UFLib Domains, updating for security needs, space usage, and archiving sites as applicable
    • Review lists, make corrections, and send reminders for others to update
      • LibApp accounts
      • UFLib Domains
  • With Enterprise Unit
    • Check to see if any General Use computers can be decommissioned
    • Check with Academic Technology on public computing agreement (e.g., cost, SLA, etc.)
    • Update Search Committee distribution lists
    • Remind users of current contents of Software Portal
    • Reminder for users to maintain\ cleanup User U: and Dept Z: drives and value of OneDrive
  • Non-UF URLs/Domain Names
    • LTS Chair and LT&DS Senior Director check each to ensure they work and check with designated contact on continued status. Review of MOUs, and queuing for updates as needed for this year.
  • Web, send reminders on:
  • Enterprise, send reminders on:
    • Reminder that people can request headset/webcam if they do not already have these
    • Password security 
    • Teams, setting notification
    • Update Search Committee distribution lists
    • Update Departmental Xerox contact lists
  • Review Sobek users for system-level permissions, and restrict/remove as appropriate
  • Web Team
    • Reviews UFLib Domains, updating for security needs, space usage, and archiving sites as applicable
    • Review lists, make corrections, and send reminders for others to update
      • LibApp accounts
      • UFLib Domains
    • Check in on web editors list and a reminder on Reclaim Hosting (any to change)
  • Senior Director and LTS Chair: Check in with Chairs (building from Jan. 2020 sessions) 
  • LTS Chair sends reminder on:
    • Best practices (e.g., patching schedule, do not turn off computers, etc.)
    • Process/needs for submitting software for risk assessment
    • Xerox departmental contacts and normal expectations/process
  • Web Team
    • Reviews UFLib Domains, updating for security needs, space usage, and archiving sites as applicable
    • Review lists, make corrections, and send reminders for others to update
      • LibApp accounts
      • UFLib Domains
    • Check-in with Web Editors (and who should be page owners for site audit reports)
  • Senior Director and LTS Chair
    • Email all curators for UFDC and dLOC, for any updated names or collections (list of collections, and see Laurie for dLOC contacts)


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