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Library Technology Services: UFLib Domains: Security Roles and Responsibilities

Resources from Library Technology Services, for library employees

UFLib Domains: Security Roles and Responsibilities

With UFLib Domains moving from project to program in 2021-2022, this page will support initial creation of documentation for security with roles, responsibilities, and expectations. 

This page will include:

  • All projects must have a library collaborator, who is a contact for LTS for security and other necessary controls/supports
  • Limits on applications (cannot be used for email, etc.)
  • Expectations on updates
    • The user is expected to maintain their sites with timely updates for all needs
    • UFLIB reserves right and will force updates as needed for security, and users acknowledge and accept that those updates may break functionality for core applications, plugins, etc.
    • Sites will have an annual review, with any as appropriate being moved to a web archive

As this page progresses, the main UFLib Domains site will be updated, including the FAQ:

Documentation in Process

UFLib Domains starts with 1GB of space. Some regular users may run out of space quickly, especially with WordPress, which seems to create many derivative images and backups that take up space. When space increases are requested, the Web Team will review the request, including reviewing if extraneous backups can be deleted, to free up space, or if the best approach is to increase space (and by how much). Normally, the maximum increase by any increment is 1GB.

Preservation documentation:

Work pending as of 8/26:

  • Removing not needed functions like emailing
  • Defining starter pack (core tools for all) and power pack (for advanced users)
  • Recommend to keep not more than 2 backups, and create documentation for how to do this
  • Will will send out instructions on how to update PHP


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