Updated May 2022 by Dave Van Kleeck
Baldwin Library - Field Checklist
City (752) |
Desc: a
Elvl:{usually change to I unless it is blank or has a number}
Ills: a {illustrations} af {if it has plates}
Audn: j
Biog: a {autobiography} b {biography} c {collection of biographies} d {contains biographical info}
LitF: 0 {for non-fiction} f {for fiction} p {for poetry} m {for mixed – add a 500 note}
DtSt: s {for single date} t {for publication and copyright date} q {for questionable range of dates}
Lang: eng {or language of piece}
Ctry: {place published}
099 {Baldwin accession #, such as: 15h, 23h, 15p, etc.}
690 4 Bldn ǂy yyyy. {add to CatME/Connexion record before export to Alma}
100 10 Surname, Given name, ǂd years.
110 20 Corporate name in direct order
There are other combinations – copy and paste from Authority record.
Title – from the title page {or other source if last resort – put in [ ] if not from t.p.}:
245 10 Title : ǂb subtitle / ǂc statement of responsibility. {if 1xx field – second indicator changes for article: The=4, A=2, etc.}
245 00 Title : ǂb subtitle / ǂc statement of responsibility. {if no 1xx field – second indicator changes for article: The=4, A=2, etc.}
{IF the title comes from anything other than t.p. – add a 500 note:}
500 Cover title.
500 Title from spine. {etc., etc.}
246 30 {portion of title page}
246 11 {parallel title in another language}
246 14 {cover title}
246 15 {added title page}
246 16 {caption title}
246 17 {running title}
246 18 {spine}
246 1 ǂi At head of title: ǂa {title}.
Publisher/Printer. {use [ ] for any info that is not found in the resource}: TRANSCRIBE
264 _1 City : ǂb Publisher, ǂc Year.
264 _3 City : ǂb Printer
264 _1 City ; City : ǂb Publisher, ǂc Year.
264 _1 City : ǂb Publisher ; City : ǂb Publisher, ǂc Year.
Check pagination – introductory pages? unnumbered pages in front or back? plates? advertisements/catalogues?
Use “unnumbered” if pages or leaves not numbered.
300 check pages! = … pages, “x” unnumbered leaves of plates : ǂb illustration(s) ; ǂc cm
300 check pages! = … pages, “x” unnumbered leaves of plates : ǂb colored illustrations ; ǂc cm
300 check pages! = … pages, ‘x” leaves of plates : ǂb illustrations (some colored) ; ǂc cm
300 {if printed on one side only use leaves not pages} = … leaves : ǂb illustrations (some colored) ; ǂc cm
Variations in subfield “a”:
300 “x” unnumbered pages, [45]-67 pages : ǂb illustrations ; ǂc cm {it does not start on page one}
300 1 volume (various pagings) : ǂb illustrations ; ǂc cm
300 2 volumes in 1 : ǂb illustrations ; ǂc cm {paging not continuous}
300 196, 150 pages : ǂb illustrations ; ǂc cm {1 v., two sets of pagination}
Validate series or create one:
490 1 traced by author ; ǂv {volume #}
800 1 author. ǂt title ; ǂv {volume #} .
500 Added title page, engraved.
500 Binding: Blue cloth blind stamped, gilt vignette on top board with the title and series, same vignette blind stamped on the back with series only, gilt spine ornaments.
500 Date of publication from inscription.
500 Date of publication based on date of preface: December 29, 1877.
590 (local extension field) Baldwin Library copy date of publication based on bookseller's ms. note.
500 Approximate dates according to Brown, P. A. London publisher and printers, p. .
590 (local extension field) Baldwin Library copy lacking leaf of plates.
590 (local extension field) Baldwin Library copy lacks pages 4-5.
590 (local extension field) Baldwin Library copy lacks pages 25-26 and page 39 torn, affecting text.
590 (local extension field) Baldwin Library copy contains printing error.
500 Pages printed on one side only.
590 (local extension field) Baldwin Library copy pages unopened. [pages still joined at top]
590 (local extension field) Baldwin Library copy pages uncut. [pages uneven – have not been cut uniformly]
590 (local extension field) Baldwin Library copy pages untrimmed. [pages have not been cut uniformly]
505 0 Contents -- contents -- contents.
520 Summary.
600 10 {Validated personal name and indicators} ǂv Juvenile.
610 20 {Validated corporate name and indicators} ǂv Juvenile.
650 0 Subject ǂv Juvenile.
651 0 Place ǂx descriptive subfield ǂv Juvenile.
{Always add these as pairs}
650 0 Children ǂ Conduct of life ǂv Juvenile. {substitute for Children – Girls, Boys, Youth, etc.}
650 0 Conduct of life ǂv Juvenile.
Genre Subject. Validate from paper list or reference books!:
655 7 Term ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 term source
See Genre list below or these:
655 7 Hand-colored illustrations ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 local
500 Illustrations are hand-colored.
590 (local extension field) Baldwin Library copy illustrations are hand-colored: probably by young owner.
655 7 Publishers’ advertisements ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
500 Publisher’s advertisements follow text.
500 Publisher’s advertisements on endpapers.
500 Publisher’s advertisements precede and follow text. {or any variation of places}
500 Publisher’s advertisements on page [4] of wrapper. {if on back of paper cover}
655 7 Publishers’ catalogues ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
500 Publisher’s catalogue follows text. {or any variation of places}
655 7 Bookplates (Provenance) ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbprov
655 7 Inscription (Provenance) ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbprov {only if it is interesting}
655 7 Presentation inscription (Provenance) ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbprov {only if it is interesting}
655 7 Prize books (Provenance) ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbprov {reward for good behavior, etc.}
655 7 Authors' presentation inscriptions (Provenance) ǂx author’s last name ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbprov
590 (local extension field) Baldwin Library copy inscribed by the author.
655 7 Authors' autographs (Provenance) ǂx author’s last name ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbprov
590 (local extension field) Baldwin Library copy signed by the author.
650 0 Miniature books ǂv Specimens ǂv Juvenile xxx.
655 7 Miniature books (Printing) ǂz (city) ǂy 18xx. ǂ2 rbpri
Publisher. Validate it or create a new Authority record!:
700 1 publisher, ǂe publisher.
710 2 publisher, ǂe publisher.
Printer. Validate it or create a new Authority record!:
700 1 printer, ǂe printer. (or ǂe Stereotyper or ǂe Electrotyper)
710 2 printer, ǂe printer. (or ǂe Stereotyper or ǂe Electrotyper)
Be sure there to add these subfields to the 264 _3 field.
Engraver. Validate it or create a new Authority record!:
700 1 engraver, ǂe engraver.
710 2 engraver, ǂe engraver.
500 Illustrations engraved by .
500 Illustrations engraved by … after … .
Illustrator. Validate it or create a new Authority record!:
700 1 illustrator, ǂe illustrator.
710 2 illustrator, ǂe illustrator.
500 Illustrated by .
500 Illustration signed by: .
Lithographer. Validate it or create a new Authority record!:
700 1 lithographer, ǂe lithographer. {lithography is a type of printing of illustrations in color}
710 2 lithographer, ǂe lithographer.
500 Illustrations lithographed by .
Binder. Validate it or create a new Authority record!:
500 Binder's ticket: ------.
700 1 binder, ǂe binder.
710 2 binder, ǂe binder.
655 7 Binders’ tickets (Binding) ǂx binder’s name ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbbin
Binding designer. Validate it or create a new Authority record!:
700 1 artist, ǂe
710 2 artist, ǂe
655 7 Signed binding (Binding) ǂx designer’s name ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbbin
752 Country ǂb State ǂd City.
The following are genre terms used by the Baldwin Library (this is not a complete list!). These are useful for isolating kinds and types of books. Genre terms are subdivided by the date that is in the 264 field. Note: Information in { } below is not to be included in the 655 field in the record.
The list below is not complete, but represents the genre terms most frequently used in the Baldwin Collection and their sources. For others, consult Genre Terms: a Thesaurus for Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloging, or, Baldwin Library Curator.
655 7 Allegories ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Alphabet books ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Alphabet rhymes ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Ballads ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Bedtime stories ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 local
655 7 Bildungsromane ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr {coming of age stories}
655 7 Biographical fiction ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr {add ‘d’ to Biog in fixed field}
655 7 Biographies ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Blind tooled (Bindings) ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbbin
655 7 Books printed as advertisements ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Books with pop-up illustrations ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 local {actual pop-ups}
655 7 Books with movable illustrations ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 local {movable parts - Use both if book has both. See also "Toy and movable books" and "Metamorphic pictures"}
655 7 Captivity narratives ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr {such as: someone is stolen by Indians}
655 7 Caricatures ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Catechisms ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Cautionary tales ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 local
655 7 Chapbooks ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
Instead of 655 7 Children's plays = USE 650 0 Children’s plays
655 0 Children's poetry ǂy yyyy. {Also add - 650 0 Children's poetry.}
655 0 Children's stories ǂy yyyy. {Also add - 650 0 Children's stories.}
Instead of 655 7 Children's sermons = USE 650 0 Children’s sermons.
Instead of 655 7 Children's songs = USE 650 0 Children’s songs
Instead of 655 7 Christmas stories = USE 650 0 Christmas ǂv Juvenile…
655 7 Conversion narratives ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Courtesy books ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Dialogues ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Diaries ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Dust jackets (Bindings) ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbbin
655 7 Etiquette books ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr {Also add - 650 0Etiquette for children and teenagers}
655 7 Eulogies ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Fables ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Fairy tales ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Family stories ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 local
655 7 Fantasy literature ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Folk tales ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Gift books ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Hymns ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Imaginary voyages ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Jestbooks ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Letters ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Limericks ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Maps ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 gmgpc
655 7 Metamorphic pictures ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr {transformations, harlinquinades}
655 7 Moral tales ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 local
655 7 Mystery and detective fiction ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Nonsense verse ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Nursery rhymes ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Nursery stories ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Parables ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Parental advice books ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 local
655 7 Photographs ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 gmgpc
Instead of 655 7 Plays = USE 650 0 Children’s plays.
655 7 Primers (Instructional books) ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr {very early textbooks for young readers}
655 7 Puzzles ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Readers ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Rebuses ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr [puzzle that substitutes a picture for a word}
655 7 Riddles ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Robinsonades ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr {books imitating Robinson Crusoe shipwrecked adventures}
655 7 Satires ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 School stories ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 local {use only if British boarding schools like "Tom Brown's…”}
655 7 Sea stories ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Shaped books (Publishing) ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbpub
Instead of 655 7 Songs = USE 650 0 Children’s songs
655 7 Spellers ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
655 7 Textbooks ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 rbgenr
Instead of 655 7 Toy and movable books = USE 650 0 Toy and movable books ǂv Specimens
655 7 Travelogue storybooks ǂy yyyy. ǂ2 local
Collections of stories -- use 650 field {without ǂv Juvenile …: }
650 0 Baseball stories.
650 0 Basketball stories.
650 0 Football stories. {Also add - 650 Football ǂv Juvenile fiction}
650 0 Christmas stories. {Also add - 650 0 Christmas ǂv Juvenile fiction}
650 0 Children’s plays.
650 0 Children’s sermons.
650 0 Children’s songs.
650 0 Sports stories.
650 0 War stories. {Also add - 650 0 War ǂv Juvenile fiction}
650 0 Western stories. {Also add - 651 0 West (U.S.) ǂv Juvenile fiction}
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