Updated August 2019 by Jorge Gonzalez and Gerald Langford
Batch Downloading OCLC Records
Step 1: Input file
Step 2: Output file
- Select by double clicking on the file you want to save the records to. If necessary, click “Create file” to create a new file location.
- Click the “Batch” tab
- Click the box that says “Bibliographic Record Export” under “Perform local actions in batch”
- Click “Apply”
- Click the “Export” tab
- If you have already created an export file, highlight your file location
- Otherwise, create a blank text file with Notepad; name the file with a .dat extension.
- Click on "Create"
- In "New Export Destination" box, "File" should be chosen; click "OK"
- Navigate to the .dat file you created; click "Open"
- Click "OK"
- Click the button that says “Record Characteristics…”
- On the left side, change “Character set” to “UTF-8 Unicode” and click “OK”
- Click “Apply” at the bottom of the “Options” box; when the hourglass goes away, click “Close”
- Select the location of the local OCLC save file from the top drop-down menu
- Select default index “OCLC Number (no:)” from the middle drop-down menu
- Click the “Import” button from the right side menu. Browse to the .txt file you saved. You should get a dialog box asking if you want to delete your original file. Click “No” in case you need to use this file again, otherwise, it will delete the .txt file. All of the records should now appear in the large box, each on its own line with “no:” in front of the OCLC number.
- Click “Save” and then “Close”
- Click the location of the local OCLC save file
- Click “Online searches” under “Process”
- Click “OK”
- Wait for records to be processed
- Make a note of any unsuccessful searches
- Close Batch Search Report
- Click on “Local Save File…”
- Click “OK”
- To select all the records, with the first row highlighted, scroll down to the last row, press the Shift key and click the last row.
- Click the “Export” button to "mark" the records for export.
Choose “Batch” from Connexion’s top menu and scan down to “Process Batch”
- Click the location of the local OCLC save file
- Click "Process" click “Exports”
- Click “OK”
- You will be asked whether you want to overwrite what is in the .dat file you created or append to it
- Click the appropriate button
- Wait for records to be processed
- Make a note of any unsuccessful searches
- Close Batch Export Report
Step 3: Post-processing
- Click the “Batch” tab
- Unclick the box that says “Bibliographic Record Export” under “Perform local actions in batch”
- Click “Apply”
- Click the “Export” tab and highlight the file location you used above
- Click the button that says “Record Characteristics…”
- On the left side, change “Character set” to “MARC-8” and click “OK”
- Click “Apply” at the bottom of the “Options” box; when the hourglass goes away, click “Close”