Updated January 2023 by Sam Fraleigh
Cataloging Videorecordings
RDA Preferred Sources and Transcription Rules
MARC Fixed Fields (LDR, 008, 007)
Link to OLAC (Online Audiovisual Catalogers) manual: Best Practices for Cataloging DVD-Video and Blu-ray Discs Using RDA and MARC21. Be aware that this manual was last updated in November 2017. It was replaced with an online version consisting of a subset of the RDA rules that pertain to videorecordings. Note: LC and PCC will implement “official”/new RDA no earlier than June 2023 and updated OLAC Best Practices are slowly being developed.
RDA Preferred Sources. Applies to All Transcription Fields (245, 250, 264, 490)
If the title proper was not transcribed from 1a, make a 500 note giving the source.
Any of the transcription fields or a subfield of a transcription field based on 2a.-2d. must be bracketed. For example, if the title proper is taken from 1a. or 1b. but the statement of responsibility is taken from 2a.-2d., the statement of responsibility is bracketed but the title proper is not.
RDA Transcription (General)
MARC Fixed Fields (Fixed fields at top of form in Connexion and LDR and 008 in Alma.)
Leader (LDR): (these are part of the fixed fields in Connexion) (Core)
008 (part of the “fixed fields” in Connexion) (Core)
007 https://www.oclc.org/bibformats/en/0xx/007video.html (Core)
The coding in the 007 should be reflected in the terms used in 344 and 347 fields with the corresponding $2 and the thesauri used for each term as seen in the example for a DVD below:
007_ _$a v $b d $d c $e v $f a $g i $h z $i q
300_ _ $a 1 videodisc : $b sound, color ; $c 4 3/4 in.
344_ _ $a digital $2 rdatr
344_ _ $b optical $2 rdarm
344_ _ $g surround $2 rdacpc
344_ _ $h Dolby $2 rdaspc
347_ _ $a video file $2 rdaft
347_ _ $b DVD video
347_ _ $e region 1 $2 rdare
MARC Fields for Numerical Standard Identifiers: 020, 024, 028
020 ISBN (Core if available)
028 (video recording publisher number). (Core if available)
Publisher Number (MARC 028 43). The Publisher Number is recorded in MARC field 028, ‡a. The first indicator is coded 4 for videorecordings. The second indicator is 3 (No note, access point required). Record the number as it is presented on the resource, including spaces, hyphens, capitalization, etc. The name of the publisher is given in ‡b. None of the other possible first indicator codes are appropriate for video recordings. It is possible to repeat the 028 either for a second publisher number or a variant of the number recorded in the previous 028.
1st indicator code is based on type of number.
028 4 0 $a VM5108 $b Vidmark Entertainment
4= Videorecording publisher number
0=no additional note, no added entry
$b=label (company) name (add if known)
Other Standard Identifiers - 024
Other MARC Variable Fields
041 (Core) for all resources if necessary to record more language codes than 008/35-37 allows. For moving images, use $a for principle language of film $j for the language of subtitles, use $g for accompanying material other than librettos. Alternate voice tracks are entered in $a. OLAC recommends using $a, $g, $j routinely. Add if applicable and not present.
043 Geographic Area Code (Optional, encouraged for documentaries) Applicable to documentaries, not used for feature films & other types of non-documentary form.
046 Date of creation (Not core) When copy cataloging do not add if absent. For moving image cataloging, 046 $k corresponds to the date of production, i.e., the release date. (Note that "production" in the RDA sense of unpublished does not apply in this situation.) Enter the year of release in $k yyyy.
050 – LC call number/accession number assignment + local holdings work
Library West: Use accession numbers for all DVDs and Blu-ray discs for Library West. You can obtain the most current accession number checking the Excel doc “Next Accession Numbers”, saved to a shared location on the RDS Z: drive -> Z:\CatDS\Next Accession Numbers to be Assigned by Material Type\Next Accession Numbers. Be sure to enter the next accession number (you will be using) in numerical order in the spreadsheet, followed by the title of the video you are cataloging and your initials.
All other owning locations: Use LC call numbers for all other owning locations, including feature films for LACC. For feature films there is no call number schedule as such. Typically, for feature films going to LACC, we use PN1993.5 + geographic cutter of the country where the film was produced + a second cutter based on the primary access point (almost always the title.) + the year (based on the publication information.)
Call numbers for documentaries should be based on primary subject matter of the documentary.
On the holding record: Library West accession numbers should be preceded by DVD or BLU + space + accession number obtained from spreadsheet described above. Do not add a hyphen between the two parts of the call number. The first indicator of the 852 should be 4 for proper indexing when using an accession number.
When using LC call numbers for the other owning locations, use first indicator 0 in the 852 as with all LC call numbers.
100 – Name of creator (core when applicable but rare; see conditions for correct use below)
Use only when a single person wrote the script, did the cinematography, editing, direction, etc. In this circumstance, the appropriate relationship designator is “filmmaker.” Film directors usually are added as an added entry in a 700 field with the relationship designator “film director.”
130 Core if criterion in 2nd paragraph is met
Since most moving image bib records are entered under title, keep in mind that with RDA, if the title proper of a video conflicts with the title proper of a monograph or serial in any format, a 130 needs to be made for the video to differentiate it from the title proper of the other resource. For television programs, note that in MARC 245, subfields n and p are part of the title proper, and need to be included when deciding whether a 130 is necessary. Note that a 130 does not require an authority record.
See the LC PCC Policy Statements under Appendix 1, Motion Pictures, Television Programs, Radio Programs. See the 130 summary in DVD_Blu-ray_RDA_GUIDE_Version_1.1, Preferred Title for Work (RDA 6.2.2), pages 130-181.
Title Proper: (Core) The title proper is the title that appears on the piece in hand that is being cataloged and is the “title normally used when citing the resource” (RDA The title proper should be tested to see if any of the conditions apply that would require the use of a preferred title (130), for example, if the title would conflict with the title of another resource, for example a novel, play or another film of the same name.
Parallel titles (Core) can be transcribed without brackets from anywhere on the resource. External titles proper in other languages (e.g. accompanying booklet, DVD case insert) should be transcribed in brackets. Justifying the parallel title is not mandatory. There is a better case for justifying the parallel title if it is transcribed from an external source, e.g. 246 1_ $i Title from accompanying booklet: $a <parallel title proper in a different language>
Other Title: Core. Other title must come from the same source as the title proper; the other transcription elements may be taken from anywhere on the resource.
245 $c Statement of Responsibility (SoR). (Core) Statement of responsibility refers to the “identification or function of agents responsible for the creation of, or contributing to the realization of, the intellectual or artistic content of a manifestation.” (RDA A statement of responsibility may include words or phrases that are neither names nor linking words.
Statements of responsibility may occur in association with:
Read through the OLAC manual on SoR on pages 76-79 for specific practices in certain situations.
246 Variant Titles
If a title variation requires access, use 246. Whether access is made is cataloger judgment.
There is another use for 246 that originates with RDA. Since corrections cannot be inserted into a transcription field, any publisher errors in 245 $a need a variant access field for the corrected form. This will not be an issue with Hollywood feature films or most television episodes, but it may come up with films or video where a single person is responsible for all or most aspects of the resource. Do not apply to the other title or the statement of responsibility.
245 0 0 $a Catfissh / $c Rogue Pictures presents ; a Supermarche/Hit the ground running production ; a film by Ariel Schulman and Henry Joost ; produced by Andrew Jarecki & Marc Smerling.
246 1 _ $i Corrected title: $a Catfish
Make a note about the source of the title if it has been taken from a source other than the title frame(s) or screen(s) as instructed in RDA
500 __ $a Title from disc label.
RDA sources for the edition statement (a transcription field) are:
This field should end with a period.
Note that information taken from the container does not require square brackets.
The term "edition" or the equivalent is not a requirement for transcribing in 250. The OLAC guidelines on edition statements for DVDs are probably generalizable for video cataloging practice: "statements that distinguish one manifestation from another should be treated as edition statements, whether they carry the word 'edition' or not ..." The following can indicate that you are looking at an edition:
DVD editions often include multiple manifestations, e.g. both a widescreen and a full-screen version. In such cases, OLAC advises: "When a disc carries both widescreen and standard version, the information becomes a note rather than an edition statement. Don't put both statements into the 250."
250 $a Restored version.
250 $a 10th anniversary ed.
250 $a Letterbox format.
250 $a Widescreen
250 $a Unrated director's cut.
250 $a Full screen version.
In RDA, take what you see: transcribe abbreviations if they are part of the edition statement, but if the edition statement is not abbreviated, do not supply abbreviations.
If your source has Tenth Anniversary Edition, following RDA, field 250 is transcribed as:
250 $a Tenth Anniversary Edition.
250 $a Tenth anniversary edition.
If the source for the edition statement has 10th Anniversary Ed., record as:
250 $a 10th anniversary ed.
Parallel edition (core): There may sometimes be a parallel edition statement. Enter as below:
250 __ $a Limited edition = $b Edición limitada
* The edition statement of responsibility, while not core, is recommended as best practice:
250 __ $a Revised version / $b by James Smith.
* Record in the 250 a designation of a named revision of an edition:
250 __ $a Special release, newly corrected.
264 Publication, distribution etc. statement (core)
264 has separate fields for distribution, manufacturing, copyright, and production.
264 _1 Publication Statement
264 _2 Distribution Statement
264 _3 Manufacturing Statement
264 _4 Copyright Date
264 _0 Production Statement
The distribution statement is only core if there is no publisher identified. Optionally you can add it even if a publisher is recorded in the first 264.
The manufacturing statement is only core if neither the publisher nor the distributor is identified. You will rarely see it used or need to add it.
The copyright date statement is very often added in a separate 264 with 2nd indicator 4; although it is not core. It is used when both a copyright date and a publication date are present, or when a copyright date is used as the inferred date of publication. If you add 264_4, both the inferred publication date and the copyright date should be recorded in the “Dates” 008, and the Publication Status code (OCLC: DtSt) is t.
The production statement is intended for unpublished material, e.g. a student MFA video thesis.
The 264, unlike the other transcription fields, allows for quite a bit of inferred, and thus bracketed, information to be recorded. Best practice encourages use of inferred information in the absence of explicit information regarding place of publication and date.
OLAC guidance is to obtain date of publication from the video frames for the publisher of the video. Since this is often not possible, use the latest date on the container or the disc label as the date of publication. Keep in mind that in RDA transcription of information from anywhere on or in the resource is not bracketed.
However, not all cataloging departments are following this policy, rather they are following RDA recommendations to take the date from the videorecording or disc label itself. So, if you cannot find a record in OCLC based on the copyright date for the packaging, check the disc. If that date is different and matches a record in OCLC, use that record if every other important field matches. Likewise, lacking a date on the disc, consult the videorecording itself. If that date matches an OCLC record (as well as everything else), use that record. DO NOT CHANGE DATES IN OCLC BASED ON LOCAL RULES.
OLAC also recommends the use of the 264 _4 $c whenever a) there are two dates one for publication the other for copyright or b) only the copyright date is available and it is used as the inferred date of publication.
“Attack of the Mushroom People” has no place of publication and only a copyright date: ©2001. Instead of:
264 1 $a [Place of publication not identified] : $b Tokyo Shock, $c [date of publication not identified]
264 4 $c ©2001
supply an inferred place and date of publication.
264 1 $a [Tokyo?] : $b Tokyo Shock, $c [2001]
264 4 $c ©2001
As a general rule, the distribution and manufacturing statements are only used when the publication statement lacks sufficient information, i.e., when the cataloger uses "not identified" in a subfield:
264 1 $a [Burbank, California] : $b [publisher not identified], $c [2002]
264 2 $a Burbank, California : $b Distributed by Buena Vista Home Entertainment, $c 2002.
Keep in mind the publication date refers to the publishing date of the video, not the original release date of the film. The original release date can be recorded if available, but in a 500 note and or a 046.
If a publication date is absent, there are a number of alternative ways to record an inferred date:
$c [2012?]
$c [2012 or 2013]
$c [between 2000 and 2005]
$c [not before 2011]
$c [20??]
Place of publication. You only need to transcribe the first place of publication; transcribing a second place in the U.S. is no longer a rule in RDA.. Transcribe the place as found on your source. If the larger jurisdiction is absent on the source but is considered necessary for identification, it may be added in brackets. In RDA the larger jurisdiction is always spelled out. Also, keep in mind that in the absence of a place of publication, an inferred place can be a state, province, or country,
Publisher. Transcribe the publisher name as found. Only use abbreviations that appear in your source, spell out if spelled out on your source. Transcribe the full name as found, including terms of incorporation and "company." Abbreviate only if abbreviated on your source. If your source has the publisher as part of a hierarchy, transcribe the other levels of the hierarchy if present on the source.
When cataloging existing copy, accept whatever company or organization is designated as the publisher if that organization’s name is clearly found in one or more of the preferred sources. If you have strong evidence that the given publisher is incorrect, then it is possible the record doesn’t match the resource in hand.
Date of publication. Provide an inferred date of publication rather than "date of publication not identified." The date refers to the publishing date of the video, not the original release date and should be bracketed. The original release date can be recorded if available, but in a 500 note.
These are the dates of first availability (publication) of some of the major videorecording media. Dates earlier than these cannot be a proper date of publication for that videorecording medium. Earlier dates may represent such bibliographic events as release date in a different videorecording medium, etc.
300 – Physical description (Core)
Abbreviations: Use the abbreviations for duration and disc size: "hrs." "min." "in."
Spell out (in English) other abbreviations: sound, color, approximately (not: ca.), black and white (not: b&w)
Prefer common usage terms (the technical term is retrievable via 338). Use $e for supplemental material.
300 _ _ $a 1 videodisc (60 min.) : $b sound, black and white ; $c 4 3/4 in. + $e 1 booklet (41 pages : illustrations ; 18 cm)
or in RDA you can add a separate 300 field for the supplemental material.
300 _ _ $a 1 videodisc (60 min.) : $b sound, black and white ; $c 4 3/4 in.
300 _ _ $a 41 pages : $b illustrations ; $c 18 cm
*If done this way with two 300 fields, you also need an extra set of 33X fields, the second set being for the accompanying material.
257 - Country of producing entity (not core) Record the name of the country where the principal offices of the production company are located. Subfield $a is repeatable.
This field is to identify the country or countries of production, not the country of publication recorded in 264 $a.
306 Playing time. (core) Add if missing to RDA records. Do not add to AACR2 records. Entered in addition to 300 $a to optimize machine actionable processing. Indicators: blank. Can be taken from any source.
Pattern for entering time $a: hhmmss
300 __ $a 1 videodisc (2 hr., 28 min., 48 sec.)
306 __ $a 022848
340. Physical medium. (Core) For DVD and Blu-ray Discs, dimensions represent the measurement of the diameter of the disc in centimeters (rounded up to the next whole centimeter, if necessary). The metric symbol “cm” is used as the term of measurement. However, LC applies the alternative given at RDA to choose a different system of measurement, and employs abbreviations for terms of measurement from RDA Appendix B. According to LC policy (LC-PCC PS, discs and all audio carriers are to be measured in inches. $b is the only subfield required.
300 $a 1 videodisc (123 min.) : $b sound, color ; $c 4 3/4 in.
340 $b 4 3/4 in.
344. Sound characteristics. (core for pcc) Add if record is RDA and the information is readily available from source. Indicators: blank. Subfields: $a <type of recording; RDA> $b <recording medium; RDA> $g <configuration of playback channels; RDA> $h <special playback characteristics; RDA> $2 <source>. Examples :
DVD: 344 __ $a digital $b optical $g stereo $g surround $h Dolby $2 rda
Tape: 344 __ $a analog $b magnetic $g mono $2 rda
The preferred way to record this information is in separate fields with $2 indicating the controlled vocabulary being used. For example:
344 $a digital $2 rdatr
344 $b optical $2 rdarm
344 $g surround $2 rdacpc
346 Video characteristics for video tape. We are unlikely to need to add this field. See RDA Used for video tape; for digital carriers (DVD, Blu-ray), use 347. If 346 is made, 538 is not necessary for standard video tape.
Tape (VHS type, U.S.; for $b, other countries may use PAL, SECAM): 346 $a VHS $b NTSC $2 rda
RDA approved terms for $b: HDTV, NTSC, PAL, SECAM
347. Digital file characteristics. Core for RDA. Add if missing in RDA records. Use 538 for AACR2 records. See RDA 3.19, Video encoding formats. MARC: no indicators; $a file type; approved RDA list under 3.19.2 ($2 rdaft), $b encoding format, 3.19.3., $e regional encoding, $2 source ($2 rdare). If 347 is present, 538 is not necessary for standard DVD or Blu-ray. See pages 117-121 for detailed definitions, instructions and examples in the OLAC manual.
Standard DVD:
347 __ $a video file $2 rdaft
347 $e region 1 $2 rdare ($e text will vary)
347 $b DVD video
347 $a video file $2 rdaft
347 $e region C (Blu-ray) $2 rdare ($e text will vary)+
347 $b Blu-ray
336, 337, 338 -- Content, Media, Carrier Types (core)
OCLC has a good macro for adding these.
336 (Content Type) two dimensional moving image two dimensional moving image rdacontent
337 (Media Type) video video rdamedia
338 (Carrier Type) videodisc cassette rdacarrier
380 Form of work. No indicators (core)
Use either $a Motion picture or $a Television program. No end punctuation for 380.
Best Practice Recommendation: When constructing note fields, it is advisable to use information exactly as stated on the source whenever possible if that makes the information more clearly understood or conveyed.
For a list of note fields used with videorecordings, see pages 131-132 of the OLAC manual. Unless otherwise indicated, consider note fields as non-mandatory when copy cataloging. You can add at cataloger’s discretion.
500 -- Use for free text notes not covered by a specific note field, e.g.
500 __ $a DVD of the 1956 motion picture.
**For instances where you might want to add a free text note field (500), see last two paragraphs on page 134 of OLAC manual.
It is good practice to always add a 500 note indicating from where the title was taken. It is also commonly used to record special features for videorecordings.
502 -- Thesis note (core when applicable)
Not likely we will encounter the need for this field, but there are video theses done at UF. Greg currently does them. Reminder that in RDA/MARC cataloging, you no longer include $a Thesis. In MARC: 502 __ $b <Degree> $c <Degree granting insitution> $d <date the degree was granted>. There is no punctuation between subfields. Most likely 502 would be used for video master's theses.
505 -- (Core element when applicable)
Used for collections and compilations of different works; not generally applied to accompanying "extras" for feature films. Especially important for records that encompass multiple film titles, such as a collection of short films or several discs of different full length feature films or documentaries under one title.
When adding 505 fields, we should add them fully formatted with, at minimum, $t for title. Using $r for statement of responsibility is optional. Note that $g is used for any information that is not title or SoR. It is also customary when listing titles with duration
508 -- Credits. Other credits (Not core)
Not needed if the same individuals are already listed in the statement of responsibility. Do not include performers, use 511 instead. Includes: producers, writers, directors, cinematographers, editors, composers, production companies, etc. Who to include: use cataloger judgment. Name the function for individuals or collections of individuals; in RDA the function precedes the names. Enter names in direct order. If a name has already appeared in 245 $c, it is not entered again in 508. Indicators are blank. Only $a is entered. The order of functions is not prescribed. Note that, at a minimum, the director, screenwriter(s), major performers, and, possibly, cinematographer should be present in 700 fields.
508 __ $a Art director, Maria Eugenia Sueiro ; editor, Alejandro Brodersohn ; music, Cesar Lerner.
511 -- Credits (Not core, but most catalogers include it)
Add missing 700 fields with $e. If the listing in the 511 is for the cast, use first indicator 1; do not include "Cast" at the beginning of 511 (even though the RDA examples include "Cast").
If the credit is not a cast listing, e.g. a narrator, use first indicator 0; in that case, include the function (beginning or end, collective or individual -- cataloger judgment).
511 includes performers in concerts and voice actors in animation features. A listing in 511 does not make a 700 mandatory (But it is preferred if you have the time). Enter names in direct order and include a role or function if needed. Reminder: in RDA cast members can include animals.
511 0 _ $a Anchor, Dan Rather.
511 1 _ $a Jack Palance, Eddie Albert, Lee Marvin, Robert Strauss, Richard Jaeckel, Buddy Ebsen.
518 -- Date and place of capture (Core for musical performances or filmed live performance, for example: filmed play or opera)
This is core for videorecordings of instrumental concerts, operas, etc. Subfields intended for computer processing should be used. Subfields: $o <other information>; $d <date of event, including time>; $p <place of event>. The $o should always come first for human readability but the subfields $p and $t can can be added in the order preferred by the cataloger. Typically the subfields are arranged so they read like a note, but punctuation should always be left out except for the final period.
518 __ $o Recorded $p Santa Monica, Calif., Los Angeles, Calif., and New York, N.Y. $d January 1971.
518 __ $o Broadcast $d 1954 October 17 at 7:30 PM (PST).
520 Summary note (standard but not core)
538 -- System details note
If the more specific MARC fields for sound, video, and digital files are made (34X fields), 538 is not necessary. Entry of redundant information in 538 takes on added importance if the 3xx fields do not display. However, for some of the more specific carriers and formats not provided in the RDA lists of controlled terms, 538 may be the only alternative, e.g. DVD-R, DVD-RW.
538 Blu-ray, region A, 1080p High Definition, full screen (1.33:1)
546 (used with 041) Language of content note. (Core)
Best Practice Recommendation: Always record the language of the soundtrack from the primary content in MARC field 546. Also record the original language in MARC 041 $h when that information is present. In general, follow LC-PCC PS and supply the languages of secondary content present in the manifestation.
There are chiefly three categories of language information that should be recorded for moving image materials:
546 __ $a Soundtracks for the feature film in English, Spanish, and French, with optional subtitles in each language.
041 $a eng $a spa $a fre $h eng $j eng $j spa $j fre
Relationship Designators ($e) for 1xx, 7xx (Add whenever possible. Core for PCC level records.)
Enter as the last element in 1xx and 7xx. Limited to authorized terms from RDA Appendix I.
Relationship designators are mandatory for RDA defined "creators." For films, creation is generally collaborative, so there can be multiple creators, and, unlike books, more specific terminology is used. The other relationship designators are for "other" persons, families, and corporate bodies associated with the work, and for persons, families, and corporate bodies functioning as "contributors." PCC recommends relationship designators for the others/contributors.
Documentaries: interviewer, interviewee, screenwriter, film director, television director, director of photography (not photographer or cinematographer), film producer, television producer, production company, filmmaker (individually responsible for the conception and execution of all aspects of the film), editor of moving image work (not: editor), commentator, moderator, on-screen presenter, panelist, speaker, storyteller, teacher
Additional terms for feature films and TV series: art director, editor of moving image work, costume designer, musical director, actor, production designer, presenter (“A person, family, or corporate body mentioned in an “X presents” credit for moving image materials and who is probably associated with production, finance, or distribution in some way.”)
PCC. Do not use $e relationship designators in author/title added entries. Refers to an entry like 700_1 $a Jones, John. $t Any title here.
Do not apply $e RDs to 600/610 with or without author/title.
7XX Linking Relationships (not core) Linking entries are made for reproductions as well as for reissues (manifestation to manifestation) that include additional features. It would be a local decision whether or not to display the linkage. In the examples, the linkage is suppressed.
An example of a linking entry for a reproduction might be the same content (no added features) formerly released on videocassette (and reissued as a DVD). Both are manifestations in new formats of the original motion picture.
776 0 _ $i Reproduction of (manifestation): $a Attack of the mushroom people $d [Tokyo?] : Tokyo Shock, [2001] $w (OCoLC) ---
Standard practice is to leave the citation to the related manifestation as is (i.e., do not recatalog the 77x citation to RDA form.
Linking relationship with 730 (Not core)
A feature film reissued as a video with additional commentary would probably be interpreted as an expression to expression relationship. I don't think I've seen a best practice for the wording. In that case,
730 0 _ $i Reissue with additional features (expression): $a Attack of the Mushroom People.
If more information is considered to be necessary, include it in 534 (not core).
534 $p Originally issued: $c [Tokyo?] : Tokyo Shock, [2001]
730 0 $i Based on (work): $a Kagi no kag.
Series statements in 490 and 830 are treated the same as in records for print material.
650 for feature film records.(not core)
Subject headings are not required for feature films, but if the film is topical, it is certainly appropriate to add LCSH at cataloger’s discretion.
650 for documentary and other non-fiction film records.(core)
At least one subject heading is required for documentaries. Assign standard LCSH without $v.
655: The genre/form (Core)
There should be one or more genera/form terms added as 655_7. Use only established terms in the Genre/Form listing in ClassWeb. The MARC genre form protocol is
655 _7 $a <term> $2 lcgft
Second indicator 7 means there is a $2 for the source of the term, lcgft is the MARC code for genre/form terms established by LC and SACO.
The two Mandatory as appropriate for non-fiction films --use even if a more specific lcgft term is used.
655 _7 $a Nonfiction films. $2 lcgft
655 _7 $a Nonfiction television programs. $2 lcgft
Also required where appropriate:
655 _7 $a Video recordings for the hearing impaired. $2 lcgft
655 _7 $a Video recordings for people with visual disabilities. $2 lcgft
More specific genre/form terms that may be useful: Documentary films, Documentary television programs. Televised plays, Filmed plays, Television interviews, Magazine format television programs. Plus: Ethnographic films, Travelogues (Motion pictures), Educational films, etc.
Local Practice for Multi Disc Sets (usually three or more discs)
Some preliminaries: We sometimes receive box sets containing multiple discs, each with a different feature film, or more rarely, documentary film. It is difficult to have a single approach to this situation because such sets often differ one from another. Generally DVD/Blu-ray sets can be separated into two types:
One difference that will shape your approach is whether each individual disc has distinctive publication and other information that distinguishes it from the set and from the other discs. This happens when a distributor/publisher decides to package previously published discs under a box set title without making any changes to the case covers or disc labels. In this case, you have the choice of deciding whether to catalog under the box set title as one record or to catalog each disc separately using a different record for each one. If some discs in the box set are 0-OCLC or have poor records, but the box set record is of good quality, always use the box set record. If the individual discs each have a good record, but the box set does not, catalog the discs separately. If they are generally equal in quality, use separate records for each title is best practice.
If you are cataloging discs on separate records, add any manifestation identifiers for the box set such as ISBN, publisher number, etc. to the individual disc records in Alma. Do not add to the OCLC record. We add these to the Alma record to help Acquisitions detect duplicate orders from selectors.
On the other hand, discs in a box set may have mostly the same publication information as the box itself with little variation between discs. In this case, the preferred approach is to catalog all the discs under the collective box title. Even in this case, there may be exceptions, however.
740 Added Entry–Uncontrolled Related/Analytical Title- (core if applicable)
When to use 740s: If you opt to catalog under a box set title, add 740s for each separate title in the set.
Also use 740 fields for the titles of short films that are collected together on one or more discs. Alternatively, you can add a fully formatted 505 00.
Treatment of original containers:
If possible, we keep the discs for a particular title in the fewest number of containers in order to save shelf space. For videorecordings going to Library West, do not use the original case if it consists mostly of cardboard or some other flimsy material. We have some cases for multiple discs, specifically 2-disc, 3-disc and 6-disc cases. After transferring the discs from the original container to a sturdier one, rubber-band the original and new containers together before taking to the Processing Area. You can also cut up or photocopy the original case and insert the pieces into the front, back and spine of the new case. If feasible, this is encouraged as a help to discoverability since browsing is still quite common in the DVD and Blu-ray collections at West.
An exception to the above paragraph is LACC and AFA. They want the original container, no matter its durability.
TV series are usually cataloged by individual season; however, records for the complete run of a series are also not uncommon. The 245 is typically formatted as follows:
245 0 0 $a Babylon 5. $n The complete first season, $p Signs and portents
Note the $p may not be present in most cases.
The instructions below were developed jointly with Library West Access Services which is usually the owning location for TV series.
Volume holdings:
As a rule, create volume holdings for videorecordings in Alma based on seasons and episodes. Do this even if the bib record describes only one season. Including discs in the 853/863 is optional, but not usually necessary. It is good practice to add a $z to the 852 stating the number of discs and containers, e.g. “6 discs in two cases” If a disc is missing, indicate the gap via the episode numbering which is likely to be more meaningful to a patron than a disc number. Discs with bonus supplemental information, such as interviews, trailers, etc. may be included in the holding record at the cataloger’s discretion.
In cases where all the seasons of a TV series are on one record and the number of episodes varies from season to season, use multiple 863s with “$w n”. For an example of this situation, see the record for “Homicide, life on the street,” OCLC number 465217753.
Assignment of accession number: Keep all seasons of a given TV series under the same accession number. Library West Access Services is aware of and prefers use of just one accession number for the entire run of a TV series.
Item records: The description field in the item record should reflect the season(s) and the episodes on the discs held in the container. You can use S. for season and E. for episode. For example: S.3:E. 1-20. If more than one season is held in a container, use S. 1-2:E. 1-12.
596/590 Licensing and Public Performance Rights Language:
All bib records for videorecordings (discs and streaming formats) must have a 596 local extension field note stating the nature of the viewing rights currently licensed to the library. Each purchased DVD/Blu-ray should have a slip provided by the Acquisitions Department that clearly states the nature of the licensing currently held by the library. There are three types of purchased viewing rights which are listed below under the letters A, B, or C. A 596 with the text from A, B or C must be accompanied by a 590 local extension field with the following text: UFPPR. The last licensing statement, D, is the default entry typically used for gifts and most purchased items. This entry does not require the use of the 590. Below is a list of the four licensing statements:
Code A
This film is free of copyright and other restrictions and may be shown or digitized without additional permission or license.
596 |
|a This film is free of copyright and other restrictions and may be shown or digitized without additional permission or license. |
590 |
Code B
Public performance rights were purchased with this film. This film may be shown so long as no admission is charged and the film is shown on the University of Florida campus.
596 |
|a Public performance rights were purchased with this film. This film may be shown so long as no admission is charged and the film is shown on the University of Florida campus. |
590 |
|a UFPPR |
Code C
Public performance rights were purchased with this film. This film may be shown publicly for educational or non-commercial (no admission fee charged) purposes.
596 |
|a Public performance rights were purchased with this film. This film may be shown publicly for educational or non-commercial (no admission fee charged) purposes. |
590 |
|a UFPPR |
Code D
This film may be used for personal or classroom teaching only. No public performance or streaming of this film without license or permission. Please consult with your library liaison for more information on the availability of licensing. Do not add 590 for code D
596 |
|a This film may be used for personal or classroom teaching only. No public performance or streaming of this film without license or permission. Please consult with your library liaison for more information on the availability of licensing. |
Treatment of Videorecordings When a DVD disc and a Blu-ray disc are Housed in the Same Container
Distributors sometimes market a video title as two discs with different formats in one case -- one in DVD format and the other in Blu-ray format. This creates complications because Library West places DVDs and Blu-ray discs in different sections with different accession numbers depending on the collection. Because the two formats are found together in one container under one title, it was decided that it would not be appropriate to use separate bib records. The solution was to create two separate holding records with different accession numbers based on format. Below is a brief procedure for how to do this. The following assumes that all necessary cataloging in the bib record has already been done.
Item policy: Different owning locations use different “Item policy” codes in the item record to note the length of their respective loan period for videorecordings:
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