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RDS@UF: Abraham Collection

Resource Description Services department procedures and policies

Updated May 2022 by Dave Van Kleeck


Abraham Collection

The Donald Abraham Collection comprises approximately 6,000-7,000 volumes, of which an estimated 10% are rare book material. The collection coverage is between 1830-1990, consisting of various types such as Government document, monograph, some serials and a few maps, and predominantly Portuguese language (80%) including English 10%, French 5% and German 5%. The subject area is predominantly Africana (70%), including Latin America (20%), Science (10%) and Art (>1%). There is an approximate 20% overlap with the library holdings.


Dan Reboussin.

Cataloging guidelines

Follow established cataloging procedures.

Material as part of the general collections
The name of the special purchase to the Africana Collection, including all receiving locations except the Rare Book Collection, should go into a 590 local extension field note using the exact wording from the Africana Collection Bibliographer.

  • 590 _ _ Acquired from the Donald Abraham Collection.

If there are multiple copies in Alma, input the named collection as "A copy of this title acquired from the Donald Abraham Collection."


  • 590 _ _ A copy of this title acquired from the Donald Abraham Collection.

Note: Bibliographic maintenance of the 590 note will not be done whatever the ultimate fate of the donated copy might be (i.e., missing, withdrawn).

Material as part of the Rare Book Collection
The name of the collection of special purchase to the Rare Book Collection should more appropriately go in 590 / 9XX local extension fields. Adding the name of the previous owner to the bibliographic record is invaluable for the history of the collection. Only items destined for the Rare Book Collection will get copy specific location information.

  • 590 _ _ Rare Book Collection copy from the Donald Abraham Collection.
  • 931 1 _ Abraham, Donald, |e former owner.
  • 939 2 3 Donald Abraham Collection.


Follow appropriate end-processing procedures.


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