Last updated August 2022 by Greg Allen
Use the genre/form headings found in LCGFT.
Assign genre terms to bibliographic records for videorecordings ("type g" materials such as videocassettes and DVDs). Consult the OCLC authority file or Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms for Library and Archival Materials (LCGFT) (pdf) in Classification Web for the most complete list of valid LCGFT genre/form headings. The term "films" refers to works that are originally recorded and released on motion picture film, on video, or digitally. The phrase "television programs" refers to those works that are originally telecast.
In addition to any LCSH headings assigned to bring out the subject content of the item, use the appropriate genre/form terms. Order the genre/form headings from most specific to broadest, and following the order of headings on the genre authority record, use the most narrow heading.
Use the genre/form headings found in LCGFT. As of Jan. 1, 2009, terms from the Moving Image Genre-Form Guide (MIGFG) and Moving Image Materials: Genre Terms (MIM) will no longer be used in new LC cataloging. The Guidelines on Subject Access to Individual Works of Fiction, Drama, Etc. (GSAFD) will not be used for "type g" materials. When copy cataloging, delete MIGFG & GSAFD headings on the master bibliographic record. For the bibliographic record in our local online catalog, make sure the MIGFG, GSAFD and MIM headings are deleted.
If a heading for a genre/form is needed, but not already established in LCGFT, propose a heading through SACO.
As of May 2011, control the genre/form terms in OCLC Connexion. If a heading is tagged 655 _0, when it is controlled, if there is an LCGFT authority record, Connexion will automatically flip the heading to 655 _7 and will add the correct source code lcgft in subfield |2.
For genre/form terms coded as 655 _7 with $2 local found in OCLC, please do not export into Alma.
Subfield $2 does not end with a mark of punctuation. The subfield preceding subfield $2 in field 655 ends with a mark of punctuation or a closing parenthesis.
Procedure for Copy Cataloging
When copy cataloging, if a genre/form heading used in a 650 field represents what the video is rather than what it is about, change the field to 655 and use a valid genre/form term taken from LCGFT.
In OCLC, if a heading is tagged 655 _0, please make sure if it can be controlled by keying F11 to change it to 655_7 lcfgt term, before exporting to Alma.
DO NOT ASSIGN the following as genre/form terms. These are subject headings that should go to 650_0
Below are examples of the LCSH topical headings and *not* genre/form headings
- Foreign films
- Foreign television programs
- Motion pictures, [Nationality] (e.g., Motion pictures, Chinese)
To indicate the region of publication of the item, add to all foreign records one of the following 690 fields:
Region where the original movie was produced ***Latin American, African, and Asian feature films only***
690_4 Filmregion $z Latin America
690_4 Filmregion $z Africa
690_4 Filmregion $z Asia
Fictional Films and Television Programs
For fictional films and television programs follow LC's policy and assign the heading for Fiction films or Fiction television programs.
In addition, for motion pictures, assign either Feature films (use for films longer than 40 minutes) or Short films.
Add specific genre terms to indicate genre(s) of the resource, as well as additional form headings as appropriate (Silent films, Animated films, Television series, Animated television programs).
Nonfiction Works
Assign Nonfiction films or Nonfiction television programs and any appropriate specific nonfiction genre/form headings such as Educational films, Documentary films, Biographical television programs, etc., plus the appropriate subject heading(s) which bring out the subject matter of the work. Only apply Documentary films or Documentary television programs to appropriate nonfiction titles; prefer the more specific genre.
Always assign a length-indicator, either Feature films (use for titles longer than 40 minutes) or Short films.
Filmed and Televised Plays, Performance Art, Art Installations, etc.
Assign the LCGFT terms Filmed plays or Televised plays if appropriate. At the present time, LC is not establishing LCGFT headings for films or broadcasts of more specific play genres/forms or other literary genres or for videorecordings of performance art, art installations, etc.
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