ltg |
G. & W. Endicott (Firm) (George & William 1845-1848) |
NY |
LC |
ill |
Gaildrau, Jules, ǂd 1816-1898. |
USA? |
LC |
ill |
Gainsborough, Thomas, ǂd 1727-1788 |
London |
LC |
ill |
Gallagher, Sears, ǂd 1869-1955. ǂ4 ill |
Boston |
LC |
egr |
Gallaudet, Edward, ǂd 1809-1847. |
Hartford |
LC |
egr |
Gardner, W. Biscombe, ǂd ca. 1849-1919. |
LC |
ill |
Garrett, Edmund Henry, ǂd 1853-1929 |
LC |
egr |
Gauchard, Félix Jean |
London |
LC |
ill/ltg |
Gauci, M. |
France? |
LC |
ill |
Geissler, Rudolf, ǂd 1834-1906 |
London? |
LC |
ill |
Gere, Charles M. ǂq (Charles March), ǂd 1869-1957 |
London |
LC |
ill |
Giacomelli, Hector, ǂd 1822-1904 |
LC |
ill |
Gibbs, George, ǂd 1870-1942. ǂ4 ill |
New York |
LC |
ill |
Gibson, Charles Dana, ǂd 1867-1944 |
LC |
egr |
Gihon, William B. |
Philadelphia |
LC |
egr |
Gilbert & Gihon (Reuben Gilbert & William Gihon) |
Philadelphia |
LC |
ill |
Gilbert, Frederick, ǂd fl. 1862-1877 |
London |
LC |
egr |
Gilbert, George, ǂd fl. 1818-1836. ǂ4 egr |
Philadelphia |
LC |
ill |
Gilbert, John, ǂd 1817-1897 |
London |
LC |
egr |
Gilbert, Reuben S. |
Philadelphia |
LC |
egr |
Gilks, Thomas. |
London? |
LC |
egr |
Gillot, Charles, |d 1853-1903 |
Paris? |
LC |
ill/egr |
Gimber, Stephen Henry, ǂd 1810-1862 |
LC |
ill |
Gleeson, Joseph M. ǂq (Joseph Michael), ǂd 1861- |
LC |
ill |
Godwin, James, ǂd d. 1876. |
London |
LC |
egr |
Goodall, Edward A. |
London |
LC |
egr |
Goodall, Frederick, ǂd 1822-1904 |
London |
LC |
egr |
Goodyear, Joseph, ǂd 1797-1839 |
London |
LC |
ill |
Gould, F. Carruthers ǂq (Francis Carruthers), ǂd 1844-1925 |
LC |
ill |
Graeter, Francis. ǂ4 ill |
Boston |
LC |
egr |
Grandville, J. J., ǂd 1803-1847. |
London |
LC |
egr |
Greatbach, William, ǂd b. 1802 |
London |
LC |
ill |
Greatorex, Elizabeth Eleanor, ǂd b. 1854 |
LC |
ill/egr |
Green, Jasper, ǂd 1829-1910 |
Philadelphia |
LC |
ill |
Green, Townley |
London |
LC |
egr |
Green, W. T., ǂd fl. 1837-1872 |
London |
LC |
egr |
Greenaway, John, ǂd 1816-1890 (father of Kate) |
London |
LC |
ill |
Greenaway, Kate, ǂd 1846-1901 |
LC |
egr |
Griffiths, Henry, ǂd d. 1849 |
London |
LC |
ill/egr |
Griset, Ernest Henry, ǂd 1844-1907 |
London |
LC |
ill |
Groome, William H. C. |
LC |
egr |
Gross, Jacob D. |
Philadelphia |
Groce |
egr |
Grosvenor, Horace C. (wood engraver) |
Cincinnati |
LC |
ltg |
Grozelier, Leopold, ǂd 1830-1865 |
NYC/Boston |
LC |
ill |
Gunston, W. |
London |
LC |
ill |
Hack, E. B. ǂq (Elizabeth Barton) |
London |
LC |
egr |
Hall, John H. |
NYC/Boston |
LC |
ill |
Hall, Sydney Prior, ǂd 1842-1922 |
London |
LC |
egr |
Halpin, Frederick W., ǂd 1805-1880 |
LC |
ill |
Halsall, William Formby, ǂd 1841-1919 (marine painter) |
LC |
ill |
Halsted, Caroline Amelia, ǂd d. 1851. ǂ4 ill |
London |
LC |
ill |
Halswelle, Keeley, ǂd 1832-1891 |
London |
LC |
ill |
Hamilton, William M., ǂd b. ca. 1810 |
LC |
ill |
Hamilton, William, ǂd 1751-1801 |
London |
LC |
egr |
Harding, E. ǂq (Edward), ǂd 1755-1840 |
London |
LC |
ill |
Hardy, E. Stuart |
LC |
ill |
Hardy, Paul, ǂd b. 1862. ǂ4 ill |
LC |
ill |
Harley, John J. |
Boston? |
LC |
ill |
Harper, W. St. John, ǂd 1851-1910 |
LC |
egr |
Harral, Horace. |
London |
LC |
egr |
Harrison, W. C. |
London |
LC |
egr |
Hartwell, Alonzo, ǂd 1805-1873. |
Boston |
LC |
ill |
Harvey, George, ǂd ca. 1800-1878 (landscapes & miniatures) |
London/USA |
LC |
ill/egr |
Harvey, William, ǂd 1796-1866 |
London |
LC |
ill |
Hassam, Childe, ǂd 1859-1935. |
LC |
egr |
Hatch, George W., ǂd ca. 1805-1867 |
LC |
ill |
Hay, George, ǂd 1831-1912 |
LC |
egr |
Heath, Charles, ǂd 1785-1848 |
London |
LC |
ltg |
Hecht, Benjamin |
Groce |
egr |
Hedge, Franklin, ǂd b. ca. 1830. |
Boston |
LC |
ill |
Heighway, Richard. ǂ4 ill |
London |
LC |
ill |
Heine, Wilhelm, ǂd 1827-1885 |
? |
LC |
ill |
Henley, Lionel Charles, ǂd 1843-ca. 1893 |
London |
LC |
ill |
Hennessy, William John, ǂd 1839-1917 |
LC |
ill |
Herford, Oliver, ǂd 1863-1935 |
LC |
ill/egr |
Herrick, Henry Walker, ǂd 1824-1906. (eng & watercolorist) |
LC |
ill |
Herring, J. F. ǂq (John Frederick), ǂd 1795-1865 |
LC |
egr |
Hewet, Henry W. (or Hewett) |
LC |
ill |
Hicks, George Elgar, ǂd 1824-1914 |
London |
LC |
egr |
Hildibrand, Henri Théophile |
LC |
egr |
Hill, George W., ǂd 1815-1893. |
Boston |
LC |
ill |
Hilton, William, ǂd 1786-1839 |
London |
LC |
egr |
Hinchliff, John James, ǂd 1805-1875 (landscape engraver) |
London |
LC |
ill |
Hirschberg, Carl, ǂd 1854-1923 |
LC |
egr |
Hobart, Elijah |
Boston/Albany |
LC |
egr |
Hoffman, Gustavus Adolphus, ǂd b. 1832 |
Philadelphia |
LC |
egr |
Hogan, Thomas (also Tom) |
LC |
egr |
Holcomb-Davis (Firm) (Alfred Holcomb & John Parker Davis) |
LC |
egr |
Hooper, Edward, ǂd 1829-1870. (eng & watercolorist) |
LC |
egr |
Hooper, W. W. ǂ4 egr |
LC |
ill |
Hopkins, Everard, ǂd 1860-1928. ǂ4 ill |
London |
LC |
ill |
Hopkins, Livingston, ǂd 1846-1927 |
LC |
ill |
Hoppin, Augustus, ǂd 1828-1896. |
Boston |
LC |
egr |
Hopwood, James, ǂd b. 1795 [son] |
London |
LC |
egr |
Hopwood, James, ǂd ca. 1752-1819 [father - listed as I. Hopwood] |
London |
LC |
ill |
Horsley, John Callcott, ǂd 1817-1903 |
London |
LC |
ill |
Houghton, Arthur Boyd, ǂd 1836-1875 |
London? |
LC |
ill |
Howard, Justin H. |
LC |
ill |
Howell, Joseph B., ǂd b. ca. 1830 |
Philadelphia |
LC |
egr |
Howland, William (wood engraver) |
LC |
egr |
Howlands (Firm) |
LC |
ill |
Hows, John Augustus, ǂd 1832-1874 |
LC |
ill |
Huard, L., ǂd d. 1874 |
London |
LC |
ill |
Hughes, Arthur, ǂd 1832-1915 |
London |
LC |
ill |
Hughes, E. R. ǂq (Ernest Richard), ǂd 1883-1956. ǂ4 ill |
London |
LC |
ill |
Humphrey, Lizbeth Bullock, ǂd b. 1841 |
Boston |
LC |
ill |
Humphrey, Maud, ǂd b. 1868 |
LC |
egr |
Humphrys, William, ǂd 1794-1865 |
London |
LC |
ill |
Hunt, William Holman, ǂd 1827-1910 |
London |
LC |
ill |
Hutchinson, George. ǂ4 ill |
London |
LC |
egr |
Huyot, Jules Jean Marie Joseph, ǂd b. 1841 |
London |
LC |
ill |
Hyde, J. (or John N. Hyde) |
LC |
egr |
Illman & Pilbrow. |
LC |
egr |
Illman, Thomas, ǂd d. 1859 or 60. |
NYC? |
LC |
ill |
Inman, Henry, ǂd 1801-1846. |
NYC? |
LC |
ill |
Inskipp, James, ǂd 1790-1868 |
London? USA? |
LC |
ill |
Irwin, M. ǂq (Madelaine) |
London |
LC |
egr |
J. & C. Walker (Firm) [maps] |
LC |
ill |
Jackson, Helen, ǂd fl. 1897. ǂ4 ill |
London |
LC |
egr |
Jackson, Mason, ǂd 1819-1903 (not Jackson, M) |
London |
LC |
ill |
Jacomb Hood, G. P. ǂq (George Percy), ǂd 1857-1929 |
LC |
egr |
Janet, Gustave, ǂd b. 1829 (engraver & lithographer) |
London/France |
LC |
ill |
Janet-Lange, ǂd 1815-1872 |
LC |
egr |
Jeens, Charles Henry, ǂd 1827-1879 |
London |
LC |
ill |
Jellicoe, John |
London |
LC |
ill |
Jenkins, Joseph John, ǂd 1811-1885 |
London |
LC |
egr |
Jobbins, John Richard, ǂd d. 1866 |
London |
LC |
egr |
Jocelyn & Purcell (Albert & Edward) |
local |
egr |
Jocelyn, Albert H. |
LC |
egr |
John Andrew & Son |
Boston |
LC |
egr |
Johnson, David G., ǂc engraver (& portrait painter) |
LC |
ill |
Johnson, Edward Killingworth, ǂd 1825-1896 |
London |
LC |
ill |
Jonnard, Paul, ǂd d. 1902 |
LC |
ill |
Karst, John, ǂd 1836-1922 |
LC |
egr |
Keating, Edward, ǂd b. 1825 or 6 |
Boston? |
LC |
ill |
Keene, Charles, ǂd 1823-1891 |
London |
LC |
ill |
Keep, Virginia |
LC |
ill |
Keller, Arthur Ignatius, ǂd 1866-1924 |
LC |
egr |
Kellogg, Jarvis Griggs, ǂd 1805-1873. |
Hartford |
LC |
ill |
Kemble, E. W. ǂq (Edward Windsor), ǂd 1861-1933. |
LC |
ill |
Kendrick, Charles |
LC |
ill |
Kennedy, T. |
London |
LC |
egr |
Ketcham, Frances |
LC |
ill/egr |
Keyl, Friedrich Wilhelm, ǂd 1823-1871 |
London |
LC |
ill |
Kidd, William, ǂd 1790?-1863. |
Philadelphia |
LC |
egr |
Kilburn & Mallory (Samuel Kilburn & Richard Mallory) |
Boston |
LC |
egr |
Kilburn, Samuel Smith. |
Boston |
LC |
egr |
Kimberly, Denison, ǂd 1814-1863 |
Boston |
LC |
egr |
Kinnersley, Henry. |
LC |
egr |
Knight, John, ǂc engraver |
LC |
egr |
Knight, Joseph, ǂd 1837-1909 |
London |
LC |
ill |
Konewka, Paul, ǂd 1840-1871 |
LC |
ill |
Kretschmer, Robert, ǂd 1818-1872 |
LC |
ltg |
Kronheim & Co. (chromo-lithographer) |
London |
LC |
ltg |
Kronheim, Joseph Martin, ǂd 1810-1896 |
London |
LC |
ill |
Kuntze, Edward J., ǂd 1826-1870 |
NYC? |
LC |
ill |
Lalauze, Adolphe, ǂd 1838-1906 |
LC |
ill |
Lambert, George |
LC |
ill |
Lancelot, Dieudonné Auguste, ǂd 1822-1894 |
LC |
egr |
Landells, Ebenezer, ǂd 1808-1860 |
London |
LC |
ill |
Landells, Robert Thomas, ǂd 1833-1877 (son of Ebenezer) |
LC |
ill |
Landseer, Edwin Henry, ǂc Sir, ǂd 1802-1873 |
London |
LC |
ill |
Landseer, Thomas, ǂd 1795-1880. |
London |
LC |
egr |
Langridge, James L., ǂd b. ca. 1837 |
NYC? |
LC |
egr |
Laplante, Charles, ǂd d. 1903 |
LC |
ill |
Lascelles, Thomas W., ǂd fl. ca. 1885-1914 |
London |
LC |
ill |
Lathbury, Mary A. ǂq (Mary Artemisia), ǂd 1841-1913 |
LC |
egr |
Lavieille, Jacques Adrien, ǂd 1818-1862 |
LC |
ill |
Lawrence, Thomas, ǂc Sir, ǂd 1769-1830 (Royal portrait painter) |
London |
LC |
ill |
Lawson, Francis Wilfred, ǂd 1842-1935. |
LC |
ill/egr |
Lawson, John, ǂd fl. 1865-1909 |
London |
LC |
ill |
Lawson, Lizzie |
LC |
egr |
Lawson, Oscar A., ǂd 1813-1854 |
Philadelphia |
LC |
ill |
Le Clerc, S\'ebastien, ǂd 1637-1714 |
London |
LC |
egr |
Le Keux, John Henry, ǂd 1812-1896. |
London |
LC |
ill |
Ledyard, Addie |
LC |
ill |
Lee, James N. |
Edinburgh? |
LC |
ill |
Leech, John, ǂd 1817-1864 |
London |
LC |
pop |
Leighton Bros. (Printer) |
London |
LC |
ill |
Leighton of Stretton, Frederic Leighton, ǂcBaron, ǂd1830-1896. |
London |
LC |
ill |
Leighton, E. Blair ǂq (Edmond Blair), b. 1853 |
LC |
ill |
Leighton, John, ǂd 1822-1912. ǂ4 ill |
London |
LC |
ill |
Leitch, R. P. ǂq (Richard Pettigrew) |
London |
LC |
ill |
Leslie, Charles Robert, ǂd 1794-1859 |
London? |
LC |
ill |
Leutze, Emanuel, ǂd 1816-1868. |
LC |
ill |
Lewis, Frederick Christian, ǂd 1779-1856 |
London |
LC |
egr |
Linton, Henry Duff, ǂd 1815-1899. |
London |
LC |
ill |
Linton, James Dromgole, ǂd 1840-1916. ǂ4 ill |
London |
LC |
egr |
Linton, W. J. ǂq (William James), ǂd 1812-1897 |
London/USA |
LC |
ill |
Lix, Frédéric Théodore, ǂd 1830-1897 |
LC |
egr |
Lizars, W. H. ǂq (William Home), ǂd 1788-1859 |
Edinburgh |
LC |
egr |
Longacre, James Barton, ǂd 1794-1869 |
Philadelphia |
LC |
egr |
Loomis & Annin (Pascal Loomis and Phineas F. Annin) |
LC |
egr |
Loomis, Pascal, ǂd 1826-1878. |
LC |
egr |
Lossing & Barritt |
LC |
egr |
Lossing, Benson John, ǂd 1813-1891 |
LC |
egr |
Loudan, Robert |
London |
LC |
egr |
Louderbach & Hoffman (aka Louderback) (James & Gustavus) |
Philadelphia |
LC |
egr |
Louderbach, James W. (also Lauderbach) |
Philadelphia |
LC |
egr |
Lovie, Bauerle & Bruen |
Cincinnati |
LC |
egr |
Lovie, Henri. |
Cincinnati |
LC |
ill |
Ludlow, Hal, ǂd b. 1861 |
LC |
ill |
Lumley, Arthur, ǂd ca. 1837-1912 |
LC |
ill |
Lungren, Fernand, ǂd 1857-1932 |
LC |
ill |
Lydon, A. F. ǂq (Alexander Francis). |
LC |