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RDS@UF: Deriving New Original Records

Resource Description Services department procedures and policies

Created in May, 2022, by Hank Young and Greg Allen

Deriving New Original Records

You can derive a new record from another one. This may be a similar title, or a different edition of the same title. The more similarities between records, the less work you will need to do.

Deriving an original record in OCLC Connexion

Just pull up the similar record in OCLC Connexion and go to EDIT  Derive  New WorldCat record (or type <Alt> <Control> C )

Connexion will ask if you want to: Transfer fixed field values to new record.

Click Yes. Now you will have a record that you can edit.

derive new

Deriving an original Local record in Alma

Occasionally we need to derive a local record in Alma. These records are for equipment, study carrels, group study rooms, etc.

Library West wants to add a new equipment record for a Casio calculator. Search Alma for a similar record, such as: LibWest TI BA II Plus Calculator. Click Edit to open in the Metadata Editor.

From top menu, click the Record Actions tab and choose Duplicate Record (Do not choose Derive New Record in these cases).

Alma will create a record that looks exactly like the original. Change what needs to be changed to reflect the new calculator.

Click Save, and you will see that Alma assigned the record a new MMS ID. You can then add holdings and items.

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