Updated June 2022 by Dave Van Kleeck
Standard Citation List of References for Early Cartographic Materials
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Websites for Reference
American Geographical Society. Catalogue of Maps of Hispanic America — New York: American Geographical Society, 1930-1933 — 4 vols.
Z 6027.S72 A5 Map Library
The A.E. Nordenskiöld Collection in the Helsinki University Library: Annotated Catalogue of Maps Made Up to 1800 / compiled by Ann-Mari Mickwitz and Leena Miekkavaara. — [Helsinki]: Helsinki University Library, 1979-1995.
CITE AS: A.E. Nordenskiöld coll.
Betz, Richard L. Mapping of Africa, a cartobibliography of printed maps of the African continent to 1700. — Hes & De Gaf Publishers, 2007.
CITE AS: Betz. Mapping of Africa
GA 1341 .B4 2007 Oversize Map Library
Bibliographie Cartographique Internationale.
Z 6021.B58 Map Library
British Library. General Catalogue of Printed Books to 1975 — London : C. Bingley; New York : K. G. Saur, 1979- — (360 vol. set)
CITE AS: British Library general catalogue of printed books to 1975
Z 921 .B881 Storage
British Library. Catalogue of Cartographic Materials in the British Library, 1975-1988. — London: New York: K.G. Saur, 1989. — (3 vols.)
CITE AS: Catalog of cartographic materials in the British Library, 1975-1988
British Library. Map Library. Catalogue of Printed Maps, Charts and Plans: Ten Year Supplement, 1965-1974. — London: Published for the British Library by British Museum Publications, 1978.
CITE AS: British Library. Catalogue of printed maps, charts and plans (1965-1974 supplement)
British Library. English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC)
CITE AS: English Short Title Catalogue
British Museum. Map Room. Catalogue of Printed Maps, Charts and Plans. — Photo-lithographic ed. complete to 1964. — London: British Museum, 1967. — (15 vols.)
CITE AS: British Museum. Catalogue of printed maps, charts and plans
Z 6028.B863 Map Library
———. Corrections and Additions. — London: British Museum, 1968.
CITE AS: British Museum. Catalogue of printed maps, charts and plans (corrections and additions)
British Museum (Natural History). Library. Catalogue of the Books, Manuscripts, Maps and Drawings in the British Museum (Natural History). — London: Printed by order of the Trustees, 1903-1915. — 5 vols.
Reprints with 3 vol. Supplement. Codicote, England: Weldon & Wesley, 1964. (8 vols.). New York : M. Martino, [199-?] — (8 vols. in 4).
CITE AS: Catalogue of the books, manuscripts, maps and drawings in the British Museum (Natural History)
———. Supplement. — London: Printed by order of the Trustees, 1922-1940. — 3 vols. (paged continuously). Issued as vols. 6-8 of the Catalogue.
CITE AS: Catalogue of the books, manuscripts, maps and drawings in the British Museum (Natural History) (supplement)
Broecke, M.P.R. van den, Ortelius atlas maps, an illustrated guide, 2nd rev. ed. — Houten : Hes & de Graaf, 2011.
CITE AS: Broecke, van den. Ortelius atlas maps
GA311 1570 .O7B76 2011 Map Library, online
Brown, Lloyd Arnold. Early Maps of the Ohio River Valley: A Selection of Maps, Plans, and Views Made by Indians and Colonials from 1673 to 1783. — Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1959.
CITE AS: Brown, Lloyd Arnold. Early maps of the Ohio River Valley
912.77 B878 Storage
Burden, Philip D. The Mapping of North America: A List of Printed Maps, 1511-1670 — Rickmansworth, Herts.: Raleigh Publications, 1996.
CITE AS: Burden, P.D. Mapping of North America
GA 401.B87 1996 Map Library
Carhart, George. Frederick de Wit and the first concise reference atlas. — Leiden ; Boston : Brill : Hes & De Graaf, 2016.
CITE AS: Carhart, George. Frederick de Wit and the first concise reference atlas
Chubb, Thomas. The Printed Maps in the Atlases of Great Britain and Ireland: A Bibliography, 1579-1870. — London: The Homeland Association, Ltd., 1927.
CITE AS: Chubb, Thomas. Printed maps in the atlases of Great Britain and Ireland bibliography
TA 791.C481 Map Library
Cumming, William P. The Southeast in Early Maps. 3rd ed., revised and enlarged by Louis De Vorsey, Jr. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press. 1998.
CITE AS: Cumming, W.P. Southeast in early maps
GA 405.C8 1998 Map Library
Cumming, William P. British Maps of Colonial America — Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1974.
CITE AS: Cumming, W.P. British maps of colonial America
GA 405.5.C85 Map Library
Delamarche, Charles François, 1740-1817. Catalogue des Globes, Sphères, Atlas, Cartes et Autres Ouvrages, Géographiques et Astronomiques. — Paris: Delamarche, 1806. — 59 p.
CITE AS: Delamarche, C.F. Catalogue des globes, sphères, atlas, cartes
Delano-Smith, Catherine. Maps in Bibles: 1500-1600 — Geneva: Librairie Droz, 1991.
CITE AS: Delano-Smith, Catherine. Maps in Bibles, 1500-1600
BS 630 .D451 Map Library
Dunn, Richard. British Globes Up to 1850 : A Provisional Inventory / Richard Dunn and Helen Wallis. — London: [British Library?], 1999..
CITE AS: Dunn & Wallis. British globes to 1850
Espejo, Olga. The West Indies and Florida to 1900: An Annotated Carto-bibliography — Chicago: Map and Geography Round Table, American Library Association, 1995.
CITE AS: Espejo, Olga. West Indies and Florida to 1900, an annotated carto-bibliography
Z 6027.W 53 E76 1995 Map Library
European Americana: A Chronological Guide to Works Printed in Europe Relating to the Americas, 1493-1776 / edited by John Alden with the assistance of Dennis C. Landis. — New York: Readex Books, 1980.
CITE AS: European Americana
Z 1203.E87 Lib. West Ref.
Evans, Charles. American bibliography bibliography: a chronological dictionary of all books, pamphlets, and periodical publications printed in the United States of America from the genesis of printing in 1639 down to and including the year 1820 — Chicago: Privately printed for the author by the Blakely Press, 1903-59.
CITE AS: Evans, C. American bibliography
Falk, Marvin W. Alaskan Maps: A Cartobibliography of Alaska to 1900 — New York: Garland Publishing, 1983.
CITE AS: Falk, Marvin W. Alaskan maps, a cartobibliography of Alaska to 1900
Z 1255.F34 Map Library
France. Archives nationales. Catalogue Général des Cartes, Plans et Dessins d’Architecture. Série N / Ministère des affaires culturelles, Direction des archives de France, Archives nationales ; [publié par] la Documentation française. — Paris: S.E.V.P.E.N.: [puis] la Documentation française, 1958-1974. — 4 vols.
CITE AS: France. Archives nationales. Catalogue général des cartes, plans
Frederik Muller & Cie. Catalogue of Books, Maps, Plates on America and of a Remarkable Collection of Early Voyages. — Amsterdam: F. Muller, 1872-1875. — 3 vols.
Reprint with an alphabetical and a subject index by G.J. Brouwer (658 p.). Amsterdam: N. Israel, 1966.
CITE AS: Frederik Muller & Cie. Catalogue of books and pamphlets, atlases, maps, plates and autographes relating to North and South America
E 18.M95 1966 Lib. West Ref.
Great Britain. Public Record Office. Maps and Plans in the Public Record Office. — London: Her Majesty’s Stationary Office, 1967-1982. — 3 vols.
CITE AS: Great Britain. Maps and plans in the Public Record Office
Z 6028.G767 Map Library
Handbook of Latin American Studies
Electronic, web access
Howgego, James. Printed Maps of London, circa 1553-1850. 2nd ed. — Folkestone, England: Dawson, 1978.
CITE AS: Howgego, James. Printed maps of London, circa 1553-1850
Z 6027.G7 D3 Map Library
Jolly, David C. Maps in British periodicals. — Brookline, Mass.: D.C. Jolly, 1990.
CITE AS: Jolly, David C. Maps in British periodicals
GA 300 .J641 1990 Map Library
Jolly, David C. Maps of America in periodicals before 1800. — Brookline, Mass.: D.C. Jolly, 1988.
CITE AS: Jolly, David C. Maps of America in periodicals
Z 6027.A5 J641 1988 Map Library
Kapp, Kit S. The Early Maps of Panama Up to 1865 — North Bend, Ohio: K.S. Kapp Publications, 1971.
CITE AS: Map Collectors’ Series, no. 73
Z 6027.P17 K3 Map Library
Karpinski, Louis C. Bibliography of the Printed Maps of Michigan, 1804-1880. — Lansing Michigan: Michigan Historical Commission, 1931.
CITE AS: Karpinski, L.C. Printed maps of Michigan
Z 6027.M62 K2 Map Library or ebook
Karrow, Robert W., Jr. Checklist of Printed Maps of the Middle West to 1900. — Boston: G.K. Hall, 1981-83. — 14 vols.
CITE AS: Checklist of printed maps of the Middle West to 1900
Z 6027.U5 C45 Map Library
Karrow, Robert W, Jr. Mapmakers of the Sixteenth Century and Their Maps: Bio-bibliographies of the Cartographers of Abraham Ortelius, 1570 : based on Leo Bagrow's A. Ortelii Catalogus Cartographorum — Chicago: Published for The Newberry Library by Speculum Orbis Press, 1993.
CITE AS: Karrow, Robert W. Mapmakers of the sixteenth century and their maps
GA 198.K371 1993 Map Library
Kershaw, Kenneth A. Early Printed Maps of Canada. — Ancaster, Ont.: Kershaw Publishing, 1993-1998. — 4 vols.
CITE AS: Kershaw, K.A. Early printed maps of Canada
GA 473.6.K47 1993 Map Library
Koeman, C. Atlantes Neerlandici: Bibliography of Terrestrial, Maritime and Celestial Atlases and Pilot Books, Published in the Netherlands Up to 1800. — Amsterdam : Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1967-1985. — 6 vols.
CITE AS: Koeman, C. Atlantes Neerlandici
Z 6028.K6 Map Library
———. Koeman’s Atlantes Neerlandici / compiled by Peter van den Krogt. — New ed. — ’t Goy-Houten: HES Publishers, c1997-
CITE AS: Koeman-Krogt. Koeman’s Atlantes Neerlandici
Z 6028.K6 1993 Map Library
Krogt, P. C. J. van der. Globi Neerlandici: de Globeproduktie in de Nederlanden = The Production of Globes in the Low Countries / door Petrus Cornelis Josef van der Krogt. — Utrecht: HES, 1989.
CITE AS: Krogt. Globi neerlandici
———. Old Globes in the Netherlands: A Catalogue of Terrestrial and Celestial Globes Made Prior to 1850 and Preserved in Dutch Collections / Peter van der Krogt; translated from the Dutch manuscript by Willie ten Haken. — Utrecht: HES, 1984.
CITE AS: Krogt. Old globes in the Netherlands
Ladd, Richard S. Maps Showing Explorers’ Routes, Trails and Early Roads in the United States: An Annotated List. — Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1962.
CITE AS: LC Trails
Z 6027.U5 U56 Map Library
Laor, Erin. Maps of the Holy Land: Cartobibliography of Printed Maps, 1475-1900 — New York; Amsterdam: A.R. Liss, Meridian Publishing, 1986.
CITE AS: Laor, E. Maps of the Holy Land
Z 6027.P 15 L36 1986
LeGear, Clara Egli. Atlases of the United States.
CITE AS: LeGear. Atlases of the United States.
Z 881.U5 1950at Map Library (also online)
Library of Congress. Division of Maps and Charts. A List of Maps of America in the Library of Congress / by P. Lee Phillips. — Washington, [D.C.]: G.P.O., 1901.
CITE AS: List of maps of America in the Library of Congress
Z 881.U5 Map Library (also online)
Library of Congress. Division of Maps and Charts. Ward Maps of the United States Cities: A Selective Checklist of pre-1900 Maps in the Library of Congress / compiled by Michael H. Shelley. — Washington, [D.C.]: G.P.O., 1975.
CITE AS: Library of Congress. Ward maps
G 3701.F7 1975 U571 Map Library
Library of Congress. Map Division. A List of Geographical Atlases in the Library of Congress, with Bibliographical Notes. — Washington, D.C.: G.P.O., 1909-1992. — 9 vols.
Vols. 1-4 compiled under the direction of P.L. Phillips; vols. 5-6 by C.E. LeGear.
Reprint (vols. 1-4 in 2), Amsterdam: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1971.
CITE AS: List of geographical atlases in the Library of Congress
Z 6028.U56 Map Library (also online)
Lowery, Woodbury. The Lowery Collection: A Descriptive List of Maps of the Spanish Possessions with the Present Limites of the United States, 1502-1820. — Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1912.
CITE AS: Library of Congress. Lowery Collection
GA405.5.L681 Map Library or ebook
Modeleski, Andrew M. Railroad Maps of the United States: A Selective Annotated Bibliography of Original 19th-Century Maps in the Geography and Map Division of the Library of Congress. — Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1975.
CITE AS: Library of Congress. U.S. railroad maps
Z6026.R3 U54 Map Library or ebook
Moffat, Riley Moore. Printed Maps of Utah to 1900: An Annotated Cartobibliography — Santa Cruz, Calif.: Western Association of Map Libraries, 1981.
CITE AS: Moffat, Riley Moore. Printed maps of Utah to 1900
Z6027.U5 M74 Map Library
Moreland, Carl and Bannister, David. Christie’s Collector Guides, Antique Maps — Oxford : Phaedon Christie’s, 1989, 3rd edition.
CITE AS: Moreland & Bannister. Antique maps
GA 197.3.M67 1989 Map Library
National Maritime Museum Catalogue of the Library. Vol. 3. Atlases & Cartography. — London: H.M.S.O., 1971. — 2 vols.
CITE AS: National Maritime Museum (Great Britain). Atlases & cartography
Nebenzahl, Kenneth. A Bibliography of Printed Battle Plans of the American Revolution, 1775-1795. — Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1975.
CITE AS: Nebenzahl. Bibliography of printed battle plans of the American Revolution, 1775-1795
Z6026.H6 N33 Map Library
Nebenzahl, Kenneth. Maps of the Holy Land: Images of Terra Sancta Through Two Millennia — New York: Abbeville Press, 1986.
CITE AS: Nebenzahl. Maps of the Holy Land
G 2230.N33 1986 Map Library
New York Public Library. Dictionary Catalog of the Map Division. — Boston: G.K. Hall, 1971. — 10 vols.
CITE AS: New York Public Library. Dictionary catalog of the Map Division
Z 6028.N58 Map Library
Norwich, I. Norwich’s Maps of Africa: An Illustrated and Annotated Carto-bibliography — Norwich, VT: Terra Nova Press, 1997.
CITE AS: Norwich. Maps of Africa
GA 1341.N671 1997 Library West ref. and Map Library
Parke-Bernet Galleries. The Celebrated Collection of Americana Formed by the Late Thomas Winthrop Streeter. — New York, 1966-1969. — 7 vols.; vol. 1 has atlases.
CITE AS: Lazare, E.J. Celebrated collection of Americana formed by the late Thomas Winthrop Streeter
Z 999.P25 Lib. West Ref.
Pedley, Mary Sponberg. Bel et Utile: the Work of the Robert de Vaugondy Family of Mapmakers — Tring, England: Map Collector publications, 1992.
CITE AS: Pedley. Bel et Utile
GA 861.P421 1992 Map Library
Perry, T. M., and D. F. Prescott. Guide to Maps of Australia in Books Published 1780 to 1830: An Annotated Cartobibliography. — Canberra: National Library of Australia, 1996.
CITE AS: Perry & Prescott. Guide to maps of Australia
Phillips, Lawrence Barnett. Dictionary of Biographical Reference.
(people references) Google ebook
Phillips, Philip Lee. A Descriptive List of Maps and Views of Philadelphia in the Library of Congress, 1683-1865. — Philadelphia: Geographical Society of Philadelphia, 1926.
CITE AS: Library of Congress. Descriptive list of maps and views of Philadelphia
Z6027.P54 P5 Map Library
———. A List of Geographical Atlases in the Library of Congress. — Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1909-1974. — 8 vols.
CITE AS: List of geographic atlases in the Library of Congress
Map Library or ebooks
Public Archives of Canada. Catalogue of Maps, Plans and Charts in the Map Room of the Dominion Archives / classified and indexed by H.R. Holmden. — Ottawa : Govt. Print. Bureau, 1912.
CITE AS: Holmden, H.R. Catalogue of maps, plans and charts
Available online
Ristow, Walter W. American Maps and Mapmakers: Commercial Cartography in the Nineteenth Century — Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1985.
CITE AS: Ristow. American maps and mapmakers
GA 405.R 57 1985 Map Library
Sabin, Joseph. A Dictionary of Books Relating to America, From Its Discovery to the Present Time — New York, 1868 [i.e. 1867]-1936. 29 vols. Reprints. Amsterdam: N. Israel, 1961. New York: Mini-Print Corp., [196-?]. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1966.
Vols. 1-19, 21-29 have half-title: Bibliotheca Americana; vols. 20-29 have title: Bibliotheca Americana: A dictionary of books relating to America, from its discovery to the present time.
CITE AS: Sabin, J. Dictionary of books relating to America from its discovery to the present time
E 18.S21 Lib. West ref.
Sellers, John R. and Molen, Patricia A. Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies. — Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1981.
CITE AS: Library of Congress. Maps and charts of North America and the West Indies, 1750-1789
Z 6027.N68 U54 1981 Map Library (also online)
Shaw, Ralph R., and Richard H. Shoemaker. American Bibliography: A Preliminary Checklist for 1801-1819 — New York: Scarecrow Press, 1958-1966. 22 vols.
CITE AS: Shaw, R.R. American bibliography
Ebook (online)
Shirley, R. W. The Mapping of the World: Early Printed World Maps 1472-1700. — London: Holland Press, 1983.
CITE AS: Shirley, R.W. Mapping the world
Z 6028.S48 1983 Map Library
———. 4th ed. — Riverside, Conn.: Early World Press, 2001.
CITE AS: Shirley, R.W. Mapping the world (4th ed.)
GA 300.S5 2001 Map Library
Shirley, R. W. Maps in the Atlases of the British Library : A Descriptive Catalogue c. AD 850 – 1800. — London: British Library, 2004. (2 vol. set)
CITE AS: Maps in the atlases of the British Library
Z 6027.G7 M37 2004 Map Library
Sixteenth-Century Maps Relating to Canada: A Check-List and Bibliography. — Ottawa: Public Archives of Canada, 1965.
CITE AS: Sixteenth-century maps relating to Canada
016.91271 C212s Storage
Skelton, R.A. Explorers’ Maps: Chapters in the Cartographic Record of Discovery — London; New York: Spring Books, 1970.
CITE AS: Skelton, R.A. Explorer’s maps
GA 203.S55 1970 Map Library
Stephenson, Richard W. Civil War Maps: An Annotated List of Maps and Atlases in Map Collections of the Library of Congress. — Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1978.
CITE AS: Library of Congress. Civil War maps (2nd ed.)
Z 6027.U5 L5 Map Library
Tooley, Ronald Vere. The Mapping of Australia and Antarctica. (2nd rev.ed.) — London: Holland Press, 1985.
CITE AS: Tooley’s mapping of Australia and Antarctica
Z 6027.A89 T64 1985 Map Library
Tooley, Ronald Vere. Tooley’s Dictionary of Mapmakers. (Rev. ed.) — Tring, Herts.: Map Collector Publications in association with Richard Arkway. — 4 vols.
CITE AS: Tooley’s dictionary of mapmakers (1999-2004 edition)
GA 198.T66 1999 Map Library
Wagner, Henry Raup. The Cartography of the Northwest Coast of America to the Year 1800.
CITE AS: Wagner, H.R. Cartography of the northwest coast of America to the year 1800
GA 401.W3 1968 Map Library
Wheat, Carl I. Mapping the Transmississippi West, 1540-1861. — San Francisco, CA: Institute of Historical Cartography. — 5 v. in 6.
CITE AS: Wheat, C.I. Mapping the Transmississippi West, 1540-1861
GA 405.W5 Map Library – Also Index to Cartobibliography GA 408.5.W47 S421 1992 Map Library
Wheat, James Clements and Christian F. Brun. Maps and Charts Published in America before 1800: A Bibliography. Rev. ed. — London: Holland Press.
CITE AS: Wheat, J.C. Maps and charts published in American before 1800
Z 6027.A5 W68 1978 Map Library
Winearls, Joan. Mapping Upper Canada 1780-1867: An Annotated Bibliography of Manuscript and Printed Maps. — Toronto: University of Toronto Press, c1991.
CITE AS: Winearls, J. Mapping Upper Canada, 1780-1867
Wise, Donald A. A Descriptive List of Treasure Maps and Charts in the Library of Congress. 2nd ed. — Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1973.|
CITE AS: Library of Congress. Treasure maps (2nd ed.)
Z 6026.T7 U62
Yonge, Ena L. A Catalogue of Early Globes, Made Prior to 1850 and Conserved in the United States: A Preliminary Listing / by Ena L. Yonge. — New York: American Geographical Society, 1968. — 118 p.
CITE AS: Yonge, E.L. Catalogue of early globes
Old Florida maps, University of Miami
David Rumsey historical map collection
Sites for printmaking terms, engraving information, abbreviations, etc.
Caribbean area maps
Huntingfield map collection
Site for atlases by publisher John Bartholomew, Ltd.
Huge listing of atlases and books with published antique maps
Extensive website of early maps by area on the web
Johnson atlases
Columbia University collection of maps
Ortelius maps, extensive research site by Marcel van den Broecke
Gotzfried antique maps, cartographer bibliography
Bounding box tool for determining latitudes and longitudes
Map House of London maps
Huge bibliography of maps as historical sources
Library of Congress, Luso-Hispanic World in maps
Watermark identification database
Standard citation forms for rare book cataloging
Latin Placenames
Newberry Library cartographic catalog
Antique atlas guide, 1577-1799
Reference web sources by Library of Congress
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