Updated November 2024 by Greg Allen
The Catalog Problems mailbox (catproblems@uflib.ufl.edu) is monitored by Library Associate 2 and above members of the Resource Description Services (RDS) Department on a rotating basis. Each month an RDS member on schedule below is responsible for monitoring the mailbox regularly to ensure a timely response to the patron. Another RDS member serves as back-up.
2025 Catalog Problems Schedule
Month Lead / Back-up
January Beatriz / Nathan
February Xiaoli / Beatriz
March Sam / Xiaoli
April Jody / Sam
May Ayman / Jody
June Greg / Ayman
July Hank / Greg
August Nathan / Hank
September Beatriz / Nathan
October Xiaoli / Beatriz
November Sam / Xiaoli
December Jody / Sam
Broken Links
Library West Contacts
User Services (if it involves a patron)
Collections Services (all other issues/questions)
Circulation mailbox: lib-hsclcirc@health.ufl.edu
Please carbon copy to Larisa Dumich dlarisa@ufl.edu
Law Library
OCLC Updates/Withdrawals
Canned Messages
Link issue
Thank you for reporting the problem. I just tried the link from on campus, and it seems to be working. Were you on or off campus when you had the problem? If you were on campus, it is possible there was a temporary interruption of service. If you were off campus, please check the connectivity options (especially for the VPN) described here. I would recommend using the main campus VPN client. It is considered to be more reliable for accessing the Libraries' materials. If you have difficulty installing the VPN, you can contact the Help Desk at (352) 392-HELP (4357). Please let me know if you are still unable to connect to the resource.
Link still doesn’t work for patron, or it also didn't work for you.
I am copying our Electronic Resources Unit so that they can look into the problem.
Link issue with ProQuest Ebook Central titles.
Thank you for reporting the problem. For titles in the ProQuest Ebook Central collection you will need to log in with your GatorLink account, regardless of whether you are on or off campus. Try that and please let me know if you are still unable to connect to the resource.
Not on shelf
Thank you for reporting the problem. I am forwarding this to the Circulation Unit at [name of library]. I would check the shelf one more time and if you still can’t find the book, report the problem to staff at the service desk. Check with the service desk to see if you can use UBorrow which would allow you to request the book from another Florida university or Interlibrary Loan.
Not on shelf - ALTERNATIVE
I see that the book was recently returned to the library. It may not have yet been shelved when you checked the shelf. I would check the shelf again. If you don’t locate the book, ask at the circulation desk and let them know it was recently returned. It may be sitting on a book truck.
UF does not own requested resource.
You might try requesting the book through Interlibrary Loan. I also see that it is available through other Florida university libraries: [link to Primo here]. Sign in to use UBorrow and you can request the book from another school. This latter method is probably faster. Hope this helps.
Book has an item processing status indicating it is in Cataloging, Acquisitions, or In Transit
Book has an item processing status indicating it is in Cataloging or Acquisitions or no item at all (the problem can be referred to Sam Fraleigh). Respond back whether the book has been found or not.
See the following note for patron -- We will initiate a search for the item you are looking for. If it is found, we will process the book. If the item cannot be located, we’ll let you know a couple of alternatives for getting a copy.
Report of a problem requiring record editing (e.g. misspelled title).
Thank you for reporting the problem. It’s been fixed. In some cases, it may take up to three days to display correctly in the library catalog.
Patron request that we pull an item from the shelf for them.
We received your request. This is something that is out of the scope for reporting catalog problems. I am forwarding this to the Circulation Unit at [name of library] so that they can respond.
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