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RDS@UF: Materials in Temporary Locations ("Latest-in")

Resource Description Services department procedures and policies

Revised by Todd Chisholm July 2022

Materials in Temporary Locations ("Latest edition in …")

Directions for Staff Adding (or Cataloging) New Volumes:

Process the new item as you normally would, with the following inclusions:

  • Before processing, locate the 852 ‘subfield z’ note (OR the 583 ‘action’ field) on the holdings record if present. Use any 'latest edition in..' treatment instructions present on the holding record when processing materials.
  • View Inventory under the View Related Data tab; select a holding, then click the ‘…’ (View Items) in order to Add Item to inventory.
  • Enter a “90” (In-Library Use) in the Item Policy box - If materials circulate to patrons, the location receiving said items will change the pre-assigned “90” value to a preferred circulation / “charge-out” status (“01”, “07”, etc.). Use right ‘drop down’ arrow to change Item Policy, as needed.
  • Assign item a Temporary Location – in the Physical Item Editor (Resources mode), edit item record form’s “Temporary Location Information” section. Click the ‘Yes’ radio button, then use the dropdown menu to choose the temporary location. Save edits to item form.  

  • In the Fulfillment note of the Functional Notes (‘Notes’ tab), insert a 'RUSH: notify [‘holding location’, etc.] - after shelving, retrieve previous edition, remove temporary location, then route to permanent location. When material arrives at its destination, the note will act as a “flag” (for staff members) to retrieve the former/outgoing 'Latest edition' material after shelving the current/incoming volume.

  • Nexton the Physical Item Editor form of the previous ‘Latest edition’ volume (on shelf), place a 'Previous 'Latest edition' - to be de-processed' (or similar) note in the Internal note 1 field. Again, save edits to item.

  • When finished, place/route the material(s) ready for labeling, tattle taping, or distribution to the appropriate branch library, making sure to label said materials as ‘RUSH’.

Direction for Staff at Library Locations

When the incoming 'Latest edition' material is received at ‘Temporary Location’ (or branch library): 

  • In Fulfillment ‘check in’ mode (Return Items, Manage Item Returns), scan the barcode (then OK) to confirm material’s Temporary Location and status.

  • The 'RUSH: notify...' Fulfillment note should appear, stating that an earlier volume may need to be “de-processed”.

  • Confirm the action and shelve the CURRENT 'Latest edition' in hand (NOTE: if the Temporary Location material circulates, the pre-assigned “90” items status must be changed to a charged /check out status – “01”, “07”, “52”, etc.). While shelving the newest volume, retrieve the PREVIOUS 'Latest edition' material referred to for “de-processing”.

Next, ‘de-process’ (edit) the PREVIOUS 'Latest edition' item & place material at its’ Permanent location:

  • Retrieve the 'Latest edition' material referred to for “de-processing”.
  • Scan in Item barcode (in Fulfillment mode) and click the Change Item Information tab; set the Change Type ‘drop down’ arrow to ‘Restore’ the material’s permanent location status.




  • Next, scan barcode (using Physical items, Barcode ‘drop down’ arrows) in search box to edit item.


  • Confirm/change the Item policy of the material to the holding location’s preferred loan status (“01” = regular loan, etc.), as needed.
  • Remove any additional notes placed on the Physical Item Editor form while it was in the Temporary Location – most importantly, the 'Previous latest edition – to be ‘de-processed’ note in the Internal note (1) field of the item.


  • Make sure the ‘Item is in Temporary Location’ radio button is set to ‘no’.


  • Save the edits (to the item) – which should remove the Temporary Location ‘clock’ from the public catalog (webOPAC) view.
  • When editing is complete, shelve (or route) material accordingly.

Addendum: IF any previous editions earlier than the edition(s) currently being replaced still have a the radio button for the Temporary Location box active, contact the appropriate staff at the branch location for clarification on handling of said volume (via If a change in handling the materials has been indicated, update the location information in the holdings and items as necessary [example: when the current edition of a title is processed & received, the former edition(s) will be replaced and moved to its permanent location. However, if the item record of said former edition still has a temporary location, this may indicate a permanent location change by the owning location. In this case the catalog should reflect the new location information.

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