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RDS@UF: Metadata for Digital Collections

Resource Description Services department procedures and policies

Many Routes to UFDC

Depending on the types of the digital/digitized items and the origin of the metadata, the metadata unit has multiple workflows to add the descriptive metadata into the UF Digital Collections (UFDC) and update the metadata as needed. 

For published print items, books and newspaper eg., the unit imports OCLC and Alma MARC records to UFDC. During this process, the unit also creates electronic records and updates OCLC and Alma records with newly available UFDC links. For detailed documentation of this workflow, please check OCLC to UF Digital Collections pages. 

Researchers and scholars at UF are welcome to contribute research materials to the UFDC or build digital collections in the UF Digital Collections. For more about preparing item information, please check the guide dedicated to this topic at the Prepare Metadata for UFDC guide. If you want to digitize your materials, please check the details at Digital Support Services’ Project Planning page.

After the items being added to UFDC, the metadata unit updates the records to correct errors or to reflect the latest changes. In consideration of the amount of the records and the nature of the updates, the unit applies different methods that include semi-automation with auto clicker software, eg., TinyTask and XML editors, eg., Oxygen, as well as record-by-record updates in UFDC self-submittal tools. More details are available below in the udpate section. 

Prepare Item Information/Metadata for dLOC and UFDC

Metadata Unit

SPOHP Batches Status

Metadata Request Status

Functional Areas vs Content Specialty

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