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RDS@UF: Reading Series Authority Records

Resource Description Services department procedures and policies

Reading Series Authority Records

Updated May 2022 by Dave Van Kleeck


Reading Series Authority Records

008 Control field - Fixed-length data elements (for information about other fixed field codes, see MARC21 Concise Format for Authority Data)

Position 12:  
                n= Not applicable (i.e. not a series)

                a= Monographic series

                b= Multipart item

                c= Series like phrase not to be considered a series

                z= Other

                |= Data not yet supplied (fill character)

Position 13:
                n= Not applicable (i.e. not a series heading)

                a= Numbered series

                b= Unnumbered series

                c= Series numbering variable

                |= Data not yet supplied (fill character)   

                            If the value here does not match what is on your piece, consult with the department Authorities/Identities Librarian.

Position 16:
                a= Heading is appropriate for use as a series added entry

                b= Heading is not to be used as a series added entry 

                |= Data not yet supplied (fill character)

Variable Fields (for information about other variable fields, see MARC21 Concise Format for Authority Data)  

010        LC authority record control number 

022        International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)  

035        Local system control number (Look here for special instructions for older records. This information should move to the 690 field in new or edited records.)

040        Cataloging source 

050        Library of Congress call number  -- if we follow LC practice, use this call number.   

09X        Local call numbers  -- if this is present, use this on the record rather than the 050

130        Established heading?uniform title  (added entry for the series should be in this form)

410        See from tracing?corporate name  (Cross-reference)

430        See from tracing?uniform title  (Cross-reference)

642        Series numbering example 

643        Place and publisher?issuing body  

Important: If there are multiple treatment (644-646) fields, especially with |5 FU, pay close attention. This means that UF has made a local decision that may differ from LC practice, or the record for your individual piece.

644        Analysis practice

                f = Analyzed in full (each piece has its own catalog record)
                p= Analyzed in part (some pieces have their own cataloging record)
                n= Not analyzed (there are no separate records for the different pieces)

645        Tracing practice

                t=  traced (make an added entry for the series)
                n= not traced (make no added entry for the series)

646        Classification practice

                c= Classed as a whole 
                m=Volumes classed with main or other series 
                s= Classed separately 

670        Source data 

690        Local information (e.g., treatment information, cataloger's initials)   

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