Updated July 2022 by Dave Van Kleeck and Beatriz Lugo
Withdrawal Procedures
Withdrawal of materials held by the Libraries should be coordinated with the RDS department. There are a few cases
where the branches withdraw materials, but those are limited situations. In general, RDS should handle withdrawing materials. The following procedures apply to withdrawals done by RDS for monographs, serials, and multi-volume sets.
To withdraw/delete physical resources, you must have the following role: Physical Inventory Operator Extended
- You may run into a situation where an item to be withdrawn has been designated for retention by UF for one of the shared print programs in which UF participates (HathiTrust, EAST, Scholars Trust, etc.)
- In general, if one of these items is being withdrawn from UF, it can be sent to FLARE, if FLARE doesn't already have a copy. That way the EAST commitment for example, can remain, just on the FLARE side.
- These always need to be reported to Tabby Pursley so that she can report them to the appropriate shared print program as needed.
- If you are sending materials that have this designation in the HOLDINGS 583 field to Cataloging Problems in RDS to be withdrawn, please let them know so that they can process them correctly.
Alma Withdrawal Procedures Smathers Libraries (YouTube video demonstration by Dave Van Kleeck)
Example Shared Print Commitment Note in HOLDINGS record (583 field)

Withdrawing an Individual Item in Alma
- Perform a repository search for All titles>Keywords>[scan barcode] for the item in hand. *Double-check that the title you have in hand matches the title in Alma. *
- Click on the title link to go to the MARC record view
- If this is our last copy, get the OCLC number (035a field) from the MARC record view and title, and report the number to catproblems@uflib.ufl.edu so that RDS staff can remove the UF holdings from the OCLC record

- Go back and click on Items from the ellipses

- Verify the item in hand is the item being deleted
- Click Edit from the ellipses of the item being withdrawn

- Click on the Notes Tab
- Type wdn in the Statistics note 1 field
- This is done in order to keep statistics on withdrawn items in Alma using Analytics
- Click Save

- Click Withdraw from the ellipses of the item being withdrawn

- Click Confirm when the Confirmation Message appears
- If this is not the last item for the holdings record you are done
- If this is the last item for the holdings record continue on to step 11

- Select Delete bibliographic record (unless other holdings are present) if this if the last item and holdings record
- Click Go
- The bib record/holdings/items have been removed from your IZ and unlinked from the NZ

Mead Materials
Follow the procedure above. If withdrawing the last Mead copy, delete the 521 note field ("appr. for Mead") on the bib record, if present.
Physical Processing
- Black out barcode in back of book
- Stamp “withdrawn”
Running Stats for Withdrawals – Coming soon
Withdrawal Procedures Smathers Libraries (YouTube video demonstration by Dave Van Kleeck)