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RDS@UF: Monographs with Accompanying, Non-print Supplemental Material

Resource Description Services department procedures and policies

Last updated July 2022 by Sam Fraleigh

Monographs with Accompanying, Non-print Supplemental Material


Some preliminaries:  This procedure is for non-print material such as CD-ROMs, sound discs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs accompanying one or more books that are considered supplemental to the text. Note that CD is used throughout the procedure to designate CD-ROMs (data CDs). The word “container” is used throughout for CD cases, and DVD and Blu-ray cases used to house the accompanying material. The procedures for items and the holding record(s) are covered here. This is not meant to be a detailed procedure for creating volume set or supplemental holdings.

Note: Loose maps fall into this category as well, but the procedure is slightly different. See Books and Serials with Accompanying Maps.

Keep in mind that there is simply too much variation in publications to provide instructions that can be applied without thought to any given circumstance the cataloger may encounter. You must think through (or consult with librarian, curator, project manager, supervisor, etc.) for the best way to present the supplemental holding so that our patrons can quickly know what is available. Remember, too, that titles with many pieces might be better treated together as a kit (or collection-level record), with a simple, yet adequate, list of the accompanying items.

If one or more of the accompanying pieces is missing, add a public note ($$z) on the 852 stating what the library does not own. Add a 590 local extension field in the bib record stating what is missing. Do not delete the information from the 300 field.

If one or more of the accompanying pieces has a distinctive title from the main piece, add a 740 _ 2 with the title information.

The first thing to establish before beginning is the owning location of the material being cataloged. The procedure outlined below for separating accompanying material from the main text is only for the following locations:  Library West and the Marston Science Library.

NOTE: All other locations keep accompanying material together or separate it upon its arrival at the owning location.

Part 1 deals with the procedure for those owning locations that separate accompanying material (Library West, Marston Science Library). Part 2 deals with owning locations that do not want accompanying material separated (LAC, AFA, Education, etc.).

PART 1)    Cataloging a book(s) accompanied by a CD/sound disc/DVD, etc. :

Physical handling and item record work :

  • Place CD in a regular container if it isn't already in one. If the CD is in a pocket in the text, carefully remove it and place it in a container.  If it is difficult to remove the CD from the pocket, check with your supervisor.                          
    Note: Do not use the "slim" type of CD/DVD container. This type of container does not fit properly into the security containers.
  • For the text, place the barcode in the upper right corner of the back cover according to the Barcode Placement guide. If important information would be hidden by placing the barcode and label in the upper right corner as indicated in the barcode placement procedure, find the next closest spot to the upper right corner. Use the same procedure for the containers.
  • Create separate item records for the text and each container.
  • The primary piece(s) should appear at the top of the item list. To ensure that, be certain that the numbering in the “Enumeration A” textbox begins with “1", then "2", etc. Numbering for accompanying material in the “Enumeration A” should follow consecutively after the numbering for the primary material. For example for a single book with two CD-ROMs in separate case the number in the “Enumeration A” should be 1 for the text and 2 and 3 for the CDs.
  • In the “Description” textbox nothing is added for the text unless it has its own captioning such as "v.", etc. For the accompanying material use the standard designator for the format, such as CD-1, DVD-1, etc. If there is only one case, do not use numbering.


1 - A book with 2 accompanying CDs in different containers – Item record

The dash between CD and the number (CD-2) is added to prevent the Spine Label program that we use from shifting the number to the next line.

[book]             “Enumeration A”: 1

                       Description : blank

[CD case #1]  “Enumeration A”: 2

                       Description : CD-1

[CD case #2]  “Enumeration A”: 3

                       Description : CD-2

2 - A volume set with 2 volumes accompanied by 2 CDs – Item record

[book, v.1]“Enumeration A”: 1

                 Description : v.1

[book, v.2] “Enumeration A”: .2
                 Description : v.2

[case #1]  “Enumeration A”: 3
                 Description : CD-1

[case #2]  “Enumeration A”: 4
                 Description : CD-2

3 - A volume set with 2 volumes accompanied by 2 CD cases – each case containing three discs numbered consecutively – Item record

[book, v.1] “Enumeration A”: 1

                 Description : v.1

[book, v.2] “Enumeration A”: .2
                  Description : v.2

[case #1]  “Enumeration A”: 3
                 Description : CD 1-3

[case #2]  “Enumeration A”: 4
                 Description : CD 4-6

Holding record work

  • Treatment of the primary material is exactly the same as when there is no accompanying material.
  • Use 854/864 for any accompanying material. Manually add the proper indicators and subfield information according to the examples displayed below..
  • If you have two different types of accompanying material, say a sound disc and a DVD, you will need two 854/864 pairs. The types of material cannot be combined in one 854/864 pair. See example 2.


1 - A book with 2 accompanying CDs in different containers – holding record

854 00  $$8 1 $$a (unit)

864 40  $$8 1.10 $$a 2 CD-ROMs

                            $$z in one case

 2 - Two volumes with 2 accompanying data CDs and 1 sound disc – holding record. Note the need for two 854/864 pairs because of the two types of format.

        853 00   $$8 1

                      $$a  v.

      863 40  $$8 1.10

                   $$a 1-2

      854 00  $$8 1

                   $$a (unit)

      864 40  $$8 1.10

                   $$a 2 CD-ROMs

      854 00  $$8 2

                   $$a (unit)

      864 40  $$8 2.10

                   $$a 1 sound disc

3 - A volume set with 2 volumes accompanied by 2 CD cases – each case containing four discs numbered consecutively – holding record

       853 00 $$8 1

                   $$a v.

      863 40  $$8 1.10

                   $$a 1-2

      854 00  $$8 1

                   $$a (unit)

      864 40  $$8 1.10

                   $$a 8 CDs

                   $$z four discs in each case

PART 2)    Other owning locations not separating accompanying material: AFA, Latin America and the Caribbean Collection, ALF/FLARE/Storage and Education.

  • If the accompanying material has a sturdy pocket or other method of storage attached to the text or as a separate unit, there is no need to send to Preservation. The owning location can make that determination when they receive the text.
  • If the accompanying material is in a flimsy pocket or loose, send to Preservation per What to Put on the Conservation Shelf: Education, LACC and AFA. Be sure to set the "Process type" textbox in the item record to “UF Send to Conservation Lab” if sending to Preservation. Exception: FLARE materials are never sent to Preservation. Send directly to FLARE regardless of condition.
  • The holding work is the same as in the above procedure Library West and Marston materials. Manually add the 854/864 fields for supplemental material.
  • The Item Record work is done a little differently. The “Description” and “Enumeration A” textboxes are left blank; however, it is important to add a note in the “Fulfillment note” field in the Notes tab indicating the number of discs, maps, etc. accompanying the text. Example: “Book + 2 CDs”
  • Note: Sometimes accompanying material is either loose or in a flimsy container. If in the cataloger's judgment the piece might be easily lost or damaged, and would not be aided by Preservation’s attention, separate the accompanying material and proceed as outlined above.


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