Updated June 2022 by Dave Van Kleeck
Modern Map Processing
1. Uncataloged maps are searched in OCLC and no bibliographic match is found; the map selector/curator will prioritize it for immediate or later cataloging. Please write (in pencil) the following at the bottom border area of the map:
“NO OCLC,” along with initials (of searcher) and date (of search) -- (e.g., NO OCLC, jag, 12/2/2015)
(if no G-class number is present, please write the appropriate one on the lower right corner of the map. Note: G-class numbers are found in Classweb, https://classificationweb.net/ ). Consult Map Library staff for general placement.
2. For maps that appear to be duplicate copies of maps in the Map Library or additional sheets of a set already held, please attach a note (or printout of record) with the call number and copy info from the catalog, (e.g., 2nd copy, 3rd copy, etc., or confirm duplicate copy)
3. For additional sheets of a (topographic or other) set already held in Map Library, confirm existing holdings to match a need for additional sheets. – please provide additional notes if there is doubt that it is a match with the title found or if it’s an additional copy, (e.g., please compare titles, some sheets missing, etc.)
4. Any notes, post-its, printouts, etc. attached to maps with plastic clips (no metal clips).
*5. For PRE-1950 maps that are cataloged (copy or original), please add PRE to the end of the call number (subfield i, in the 852 field of the Holding record) and add this public note:
852 z In adjacent files. Ask staff for assistance.
6. Return cataloged maps to 1 of 3 appropriate folders in the back corner of the Map Library work area (Room 113):
Folder 1: “Check and refile in uncataloged drawers” for no OCLC match maps
Folder 2: “Check drawers” for duplicate maps or maps that are part (added sheets) of a set
Folder 3: “To be labeled” for newly cataloged maps